'Yah! Why aren't you replying anymore?'

I stared at the message rereading it several times just to check if this was real, and boy it is real. My hands are shaking and I don't know if it's from nervousness or happiness. I cannot believe this. What's the meaning of this?! Jin likes me? Since when? How? Why?!

"What are you doing?" Seokjin's face suddenly appeared by my shoulder causing me to shriek.



A blush instantly bloomed on my face as I look at him. How can this guy possibly like me?! It can't be possible, right?

"Byul-ah, you're quite red. Are you okay?"

He took a step closer to check on me but out of instinct I took a step back. Of course, this caused him to furrow his brows and I gulped. He doesn't know that I know yet and I don't know if I should say something or not. I can just brush it off, right? I mean it's not like he actually likes me--in love even?? It didn't come from him personally so it can't be true.

I was so busy convincing myself that I didn't notice that he was already in front of me. He put a hand on my forehead and leaned his against it. Luckily, he had his eyes closed so I won't get distracted in thinking up an excuse. Oh man, I need to get out of here.

"Your temperature isn't that far from mine. A little higher but not that high."

His breath fanned my face and it took everything in me not to faint right then and there. He was just too close! Normally, I wouldn't have been bothered about this because we've been together for years. I've developed a mask that I could use in front of him whenever I know that my face would expose my feelings.

I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding when he backed away. He still looked at me worriedly and had his arms crossed across his chest, "Maybe you should go lie down. I'll just bring the food to you once it's finished."

Afraid that my voice will crack, I simply went along with whatever he was saying. I just really need to get out of here.

"Oh by the way, can I have my phone back? I need to message Sandeul something important."

My shoulders tensed up at the mention of his phone and I instinctively hid it behind my back. I tried to sound as casual possible, "Oh, what could be so important?"

He suddenly turned his gaze away from me and scratched his chin. A clear sign that he was hiding something from me. "Th-that's...None of your business."

This could be my chance to confirm if those messages were real. But what do I do if they were real? I felt my heart skip a beat and I have to push it back in my head. I can't give myself false hope!

"Hmmm what could you possibly hide from your best friend, huh?"

"I told you. It's none of your business."

"You want this?" I waved the phone in my hand and started walking away slowly, "Come and get it then."

And with that I sprinted away from him. I heard him yelling out my name but I ignored it and continued to run around the house. My heart's beating so fast not only because I'm running like a maniac but also of what I'm trying to run away from.

Byulyi, you idiot! Isn't this what you've been waiting for?

"Yah! Moon Byulyi give me back my phone!"

He was already so close. Damn him and his long legs! I quickly turned to the nearest room and was about to close the door on him but he beat me to it. He pushed the door wider and I have to back away because I was obviously going to lose in strength to him.

We were both panting hard as we stared at one another--well it's more like he's glaring at me and I was fearing for my life. With every step that he took, I stepped backwards. The two of us went on it until I find myself backed up against the wall. I tried to go the other way but he slammed his other hand on that side also, completely trapping me between him and the wall.

"S-sheesh..H-Here's your phone. No need to get mad."

He quickly took his phone from my hands and backed away. Good thing I closed the app right away so he wouldn't know that I read Sandeul's message. "I'm not mad. Aish you really are troublesome. Why in the world am I in love with you?"

Both of us stood frozen at the spot.




"I-it's...Ugh damn it!"

I watched him walk back and forth in front of me. He usually does this when he's stressed out and he doesn't know how to solve it.

"D-Do you...like me?"

He gave me an exasperated look and groaned. What did I do?! Why is he getting annoyed at me? If anything he should be mad at Sandeul!

"I literally just blurted out that I'm in love with you!"

"Well...I do too, okay?!"

The both of us stared at each other wide eyed and I immediately flushed.



"Yah Moon Byulyi!"

Looking past him, I saw that the door was still wide open. Time to make my escape! But before I could even reach the door, one of his long arms grabbed me by the waist to stop me from starting another wild goose chase around the house.

"If you run again, I'll kiss you."

I instantly stopped any movement and kept quiet. He let out a deep sigh as he released me from his hold. I bit my lip and peeked at him through my lashes. My heart is beating inside my chest from the overwhelming emotions inside of me.

Our eyes met and we just stared at each other, not uttering a word. A few minutes passed of us just having a staring contest then we just started giggling until it turn into a fit of laughter.

"You know...this isn't really how I planned to confess to you."

He scratched the back of his net, a shy blush dusting his cheeks. This is one of the sides of him that I actually like. It's just that this guy is full of confidence, you wouldn't really think that he would be a blushing mess like this.

"Yeah, that's what Deullie said."

"Deullie?? Wait! He told you?!"

I laughed at the embarrassment etched on his face. He really is cute like this. I told him about the messages on his phone and the color on his face drained which caused me to laugh harder than I already am.

"Oh god."

"Hey, at least I know now right?"

He still had that embarrassed look on his face and the sight is seriously pulling on my heartstrings right now. I walked towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I feel the same way, for a long time now actually."

"You do?"

"I guess you're as dense as me, huh?"

Now this got him to relax as he chuckled along with me. I felt him place his hands on my waist and we just stood there gazing at each other. Somehow we didn't need anymore words to let the other know how we feel. One look and we just know that it's genuine. I guess that's one of the perks with falling in love with your best friend.

"Uhmmm Jinnie...I hate to ruin the moment but...your cooking is probably burnt right now."

"Oh shit."

He released me from the hug and ran towards the kitchen then stopped when he got to the door. I quirked an eyebrow at him to ask what he's daddling for but he just smiled at me, "I love you."


He simply laughed and finally left. So the day ended with me eating ordered pizza and with a boyfriend. It's a great day.

- end -

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