f i f t y - s i x

Start from the beginning

"Don't listen to that stupid flower," Taehyung scoffed, hovering over him, "I do love you."

"I— I know that! Tae!" Jeongguk exclaimed between gasps as the brunette's fingers attacked his sides, "It's just a game, I promise!"

It didn't take long after that for Taehyung to dip his head down and kiss the ravenette's lips, feeling the smile that curved onto his mouth.

"I know." The brunette shrugged, pulling down the hem of Jeongguk's rode-up sweater in case any invading eyes got too close to what was his. "Just wanted an excuse to kiss you."

Jeongguk reached up and squished Taehyung's cheeks between his palms, giggling at the face he made.


"Hey you guys!" Madeline called, "Hobi has a pack of UNO back at his dorm. You care to join, or are you too busy swallowing each other up?"

That instantly set the ravenette's face ablaze, hiding behind Taehyung in response.

The brunette chuckled. "Your call." He nudged him. "You wanna play?"

"Yeah, sure."

The gang quickly made their way to the boy's dorm and dove into a game of UNO, consisting of harmless debates and storytelling in between.


The brunette turned to the boy who was poking his shoulder. "Hm?"

"What if my dad comes looking for me?" Fear hinted in Jeongguk's eyes.

Taehyung's brows drew together, trying to visualize a way to sneak the ravenette into his cabin.

"Sleep here," Yoongi suggested, patting the ravenette's knee before turning to everyone else, "You guys too."

Madeline surveyed the room originally for two. "Small space but I'm down. Do you have sleeping bags though?"

"No but we have extra blankets and pillows in the closet."

"Great. Just pile them on the floor." Jimin nodded excitedly. "I'll take the floor."

And it was settled— the lovebirds occupied the two beds, and the rest got comfy on the floor.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, still had other concerns. "What if my dad started going around and asking where I'm at?" He couldn't stop the doubts flooding his mind.

Taehyung pinched him under the chin. "I'll get my mom to pass the message that you're having a sleepover with friends. Sounds good?"

The ravenette smiled gently. "Thanks, Tae."

"The signal in this room is horrible," Hoseok told Taehyung, "I don't think you'd be able to text her."

The brunette hummed. "It's alright. My cabin's not too far. I'll just run over," He said, flicking Jeongguk under the chin this time, "So stop worrying, okay?"

"Okay." The ravenette smiled gratefully and fell back against the pillows in relief.

"Hey, that's my spot," Jimin reminded him.

Jeongguk sank deeper into the mess of blankets on the floor. "It's mine now."

"I still remember your ticklish spots."

The ravenette immediately held his hands up in defense and Jimin laughed at him. "Okay, but this might be even more comfortable than a bed. I can definitely fall asleep here."

Taehyung just chuckled at his boyfriend and slipped out the room, heading to the direction of his cabin.

All was well— letting his mom know where he was staying and asking her to inform Junseo about it was a breeze.

Dreaming Alone | taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now