like everyother day

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Hopefully this story gets anywhere, seeing as how not many people fancy the word dominant over a girl, like seriously, is it wrong to feel safe by someone you love even if it makes you look weak? For me I don't care what people call me, I'm a submissive male and I'm proud of it, you may make fun of me but all I can say is atleast I'm able to live a life i know ill be happy living. Sorry for that little rant it just makes me angry how women are treated like some fucking robot that needs to listen to big strong man with "big dick" and how big strong man is always right!? Lets be honest  your mom is a fucking girl, if your goddamn mom didn't exist how the fuck do you expect the human species alone to thrive when women are treated like they're at a much lower level then men.... Again I'm sorry for the rant 😅. it just makes me mad on how women are treated. So back to this story hopefully you guys will like this story, as I love writing it. Like every other story I write, this story may have some spelling and grammatical errors so please look out for that qwp

(Y)'s POV

Today was a normal day, I wake up at about 7:20, take a shower and brushed my teeth, get dressed for school today I got a black hoodie and blue skinny jeans, why are the jeans skinny? Well it fits, but I hate how it makes my ass looks round, but still makes me look like a boy... luckily there's no one trying to shove their cock around short boys with skinny jean... hopefully. (A/n: don't worry it won't happen) as I lock the door behind me leaving my house, I casually walk down the street knowing how my day would usually go... I get to school, go to my locker, then as I get to my locker Rebecca will pin me against said locker and seductively whisper things in my ear, what she wants to do to me, then we go to homeroom then school happens... as I say all of that I enter the school's front gates and see the main doors wide open as a few students walks in and out of it since school doesn't start for about 7 more minutes. As I walk along the lockers I finally found mine, and stand in front of it and wait to embrace Rebecca's breast on my face in 3... 2... 1... annnnnnnnnd....

Rebecca: heya cutie~

She says as she shoves my face in between her you know what. She's about 6'7 ft while I'm 5'10, she's way taller than me. Some background about Rebecca, we went to elementary school and became friends, growing up Rebecca had a hard life, her parents we drug dealers, and was in a gang, her father was the right-hand man, as her mother was the bait in every operation they will do. For example, they had an idea of robbing a bank, her mother and a few of the goons made a scene where it looks like her mother was getting kidnapped. It was successful so many people gathered around trying to help her mother escape, while that was happening her father and the others killed and robbed the bank of all its money. And they still hadn't been accused of any wrongdoing. Her parents were neglectful and abusive towards her, they keep going on and on saying how she was a "mistake" and "that she should never be born...", after the age of 10 she moved in with her auntie and life began to pick up for her... but her mental state changed her, she was rebellious and has a horrible attitude. In school, she was the most feared person, since she made a teacher committed suicide. But some say she kills the teacher herself. She's a well-known delinquent with a very bad history of crimes. She hangs out with her squad all-female since males are so stuck up from what she said, besides me of course. Her reputation as the worst person to walk on school grounds stays for a reason, she will make her reputation known if she says so. For me, however, she's just my best friend that's misunderstood. Because during her tough times in life I was the only person there for her, to comfort her when she needs a shoulder to cry on, I'm always there for her and she is too. She risked her life to save mine countless times and I will always be thankful for our friendship. Then Rebecca leans down and gently hugs me. I hug her back, she gets me off her breast and leans down to kiss my cheek. I blush and look away from her since that specific action will always make me blush...

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