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     The streets of Paris, France, was spotted with all kinds of people underneath the night sky where the stars could barely be seen due to the bright lights emitting from the city. All the bustling around continues here at all times of the day, but thats not where our story is focused.

     "Where's my boeuf bourguignon for table 312?!" Remy shouted to the other rats in the kitchen. They all looked around in confusion, causing Remy to groan. He rushed over to Linguini, who was sharing a glass of Louis Jadot Gevrey-Chambertin. Squeak! Squeak squeak squeak, squeak?!  Remy shrieked at the lanky man. He seemed to understand because he immediately rushed to find the dish Remy was looking for and run it out to table 312.

     Remy turned to look at the dishwashing rats, only to see them slacking off instead of cleaning the large pile of dishes in the now murky sink water. "Oi! Why aren't my dishes getting washed? You know how busy we get being next to the large concert hall!" Remy shouted at the rats. They rolled their eyes and began doing their job once again. Remy rubbed his furry temples and groaned. Why did he decide to locate his restaurant next to one of the largest concert halls in the city?

     The crowd's cheers radiated through the concert hall's interior as Alvin adjusted his ear-piece and microphone. He had done so many shows within these last few months that preparing to perform was part of his daily routine.

    "Hey Al, you ready? We're on in 5," Alvin heard his older brother, Simon, say from outside his dressing room. Alvin sighed and looked at his reflection in the mirror lined with bright lights. He almost couldn't recognize himself as Alvin any more. The real Alvin.

    "Yeah. I'll  be out in a minute," Alvin replied to the older, hearing his footsteps recede. He stood up and eyed himself in the bright mirror. Just a year ago, he was wearing scraps and eating stray pieces of food left outside his home in the woods (which was actually just a large hole in a tree). And now he's dressed in the highest fashion with thousands, no, millions of fans worldwide. So with all the fame, why did he still feel empty inside?

     Alvin shook the thought of ot his head and grabbed his signature jacket, a red-sequined bomber-style jacket with a large, yellow 'A' printed and sequined on thee back. He winced at the sight of the large letter and threw it on his body.

     Alvin met with Simon and Theodore, his younger brother, at the edge of the stage. They were dressed in their iconic blue and green sequined jackets that matched his own. "Oh, there you are! It's almost time for us to go on!" Theodore said, flashing a smile at his older brother. Alvin chuckled and nodded his head.

    "You guys ready?" Alvin asked his two brothers. They both nodded in excitement. He watched them begin walking on stage, the crowd screaming loudly at their appearance. He took a deep breath and gripped his microphone for a moment before following his brothers and flashing his signature smile, making the crowd go bonkers. Just like always, Al. You got this.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Caught in a Bad Romance ~ Remy X Alvin ♥Where stories live. Discover now