Chapter 1

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A/N I spent a few months putting my heart and soul into thisFruits Basket Fanfiction, the idea just came to me.

A quick thing to note about this chapter, you'll see Kyo refer to Akito as he, that's because he doesn't know a girl. I'm kind of nervous about how things may turn out, but... Anyway, hope you all enjoy it.

Happy Reading :-)


Kyo's POV

I looked up as a large gust of wind pushes against the bars of the open wall of my room before dissipating into the night air. The chill reaches me in the corner which causes goosebumps to appear on my arms. I wrap them around the rest of my body in an attempt to keep warm though I know it's pointless.

My stomach growls, but I have to ignore it once again. Dinner won't be coming tonight.

Besides battling against near starvation and the bitter cold, I'm also fighting against exhaustion, resulting from only getting one to two hours of sleep a night.

My worsened state isn't due to the fact it's now winter, even though it is mid-February to early March. It's due to me being locked in the cat's room for three months, ever since I turned eighteen. In my cage, I have no futon to sleep on, or any furniture, just four concrete walls, and a wooden floor. Neither of which hold much heat. I don't even have a bathroom to use.

Looking over at the brown bucket in the corner, my body flinches.

I glare at it and then around at my tiny room. Humph, the Sohma's may call it a room but I call it a prison or a cage. Though I knew what was coming when I became of age, I still didn't think it would end up being this bad. My throat feels like it's closing up, but I choose to ignore it and try to focus on something other than my living situation, feeling my stomach starting to harden. An image pops into my mind.

It never fails.

No matter how many times I get discouraged or angry with my new life, the memory of Tohru's smiling face brings a bit of warmth to my heart. My chest becomes tighter, I bury my head in my nest of limbs, closing my eyes and blocking out the rest of the world. As much as I want to avoid it, my mind once again drifts back to Tohru Honda.

After she had confessed her love for me, I was overcome with so much emotion. Before I could stop myself, I told her what happened with her mother and me on the day she died. Every last bit of it. I feel a pain form in the back of my throat. When I was finished, I took off running without telling anyone where I was going, not even my master. I ended up hiding in the forest surrounding the Sohma Estate. There, I waited till I turned eighteen, then I turned myself in. When I was about to go into the cat's room, I requested Akito call my master to let him know I was alright, which he did later that day.

I can still hear the loud bang the door made as it was slammed shut, a literal closure on my time being free.

To my surprise, about a week after I was locked in here, Shigure visited the main house. For what reason, I didn't know, and for some unexplained reason he brought Tohru along with him. That shocked me a bit, as I would've thought she would be long gone by now.

I could hear them talking around the corner, Shigure was talking to Akito while Tohru stayed quiet, listening in, I'd take it. Throughout their conversation though, Shigure kept saying things like ''Go around'' and ''There's nobody." Every time this occurred, Shigure would gesture his head slightly in my direction, I know this because the notes in his voice would become slightly louder before going back to normal.

About the third time of this, small footsteps could be heard coming in the direction of the cat's room, lightly at first but getting faster. I could tell they were Tohru's, judging from how light and airy they sounded. I looked through the bars and to the left. A second later, she was there.

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