30. How long since you have gone...

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The days past as little water droplets of rain falling from the leaves. The Winter was more freezing in Punjab then required with dark lonely nights and struggling days .

Since the day the two strong pillars of the house were no more the whole house went into different dynamics.With Shehnaaz struggles took much more peak as to look after her dadi and mother's expenses along with paying to stay under her own house.

Yes, she was paying Rent and for food staying in her whole birth house. None could do anything about this as all were still recovering on this shock when Gurmeet showed up with signed papers . In which she had Preeti's sign . Which stated that all the house and business is of Jagvir. After Jagvir's death it will be transferred to preeti and their daughter as per Udayvir ji's WILL and Tanvir will be getting the Lands and a building in Mohali. But here Gurmeet made her sign the all the property with remaining business which was left by Jagvir naming it on herself.

Though Shehnaaz couldn't sign because of her age was below 25 . Due to this they were allowed a roof upon their head. But they had to pay and had to work hard . With her mother continuing with the tuition's , First it was for her husband and now for her only purpose to live ,Her SHEHNAAZ. THEIR SHEHNAAZ!.

Who would work day and night giving up her dreams , giving up her talkative habit ; after her father's shehnaaz was a changed woman. She wouldn't talk and preferred only small talks , never chose any groups always seen alone getting herself into files and laptop typing something .After her chachi one night commented her after coming late tired home and stright alway went to dinning table to find herself some food . She commented on her eating style and commented on her loss of father and look at herself , so on and forth.. Since then she even ate only in which she didn't starve to death and even started to pay for their house groceries.

On seeing her mother's unwellness and having nightmares on losing even her mother she began sleeping with her mother and even tried her hand in cooking but ended up badly burn to which harbir and her dadi were hell worried and asked her to never enter the kitchen .

On seeing the current scene at his house which was now no where a home which was once. He felt ashamed of himself on being called his parents son, were his mother claimed that it was all for his better and secure future to which he just walked off the door. Tanvir being a weak at heart never spoke against his wife . Seeing his own mother and mother-like Bhabhi Preeti in this situation suffering. His heart sunk on seeing shehnaaz's struggle and not even utter a single word , with just a nod she would agree on anything and everything. A girl who wouldn't stop talking suddenly being so quite brought the shine of the house even down after losing the major sunshines.

Preeti was totally changed with puffy eyes , dark bags under her eyes, hair which were always opened on her husband's wish was now tied into bun and hid under her dupatta which was always on her head. Even while cooking, Cleaning,Standing at the enterence door scared now waiting for her daughter to come but never as her husband did ..that would make her already headache even more worst, Taking tuitions, On more effort of dadi she would only go from grocery shopping and as soon as it would finish bend her head down and return home and straight away go to her room and lock herself until she hears shehnaaz voice.

Preeti's P.O.V

Aye humnava

Mujhe apne bana le

As she comes to her room , which was once THEIRS! Their marriage picture hung up , right up on their bed wall. Where they were all smiles and happiness in their lives. Jagvir never made her feel that she left her home and never did even his parents , who were now hers! obviously it was because of him to have such a wonderful and blessed family. It was all because of HIM! and now he is only not HERE!

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