Your eyes widen and you immediately run as fast as you can toward that direction, knowing they're definitely caught up with Yokota now.

You arrive in a matter of seconds to see Yokota struggling with keeping them off. Keeping your distance, you plan a tactic, which only takes a matter of seconds.

Saru, tora, inu, I 

You dive into the ground and make your way to the middle of the fight. You pop out of the ground directly under one of the cloaked people, using your fist to punch the underside of their jaw.

"Well well, we have a new friend." A man laughs. You ignore his comment and let out a breath and wipe dirt from your arm.

Your excitement quickly comes back because now is the perfect time to use a jutsu. You're not in the village and Kakashi can't stop you.

But before you do so, one of the people around you already has a jutsu headed directly at you. You're suddenly hit by a ball of wind, causing small cuts to slash your body as you tumble backward, harshly hitting a tree.

The micro-cuts sting and you curse at yourself for having to deal with wind jutsu in the pitch-black forest.

You get into position next to Yokota and stand beside him, the group of people standing in front of you both. He subtly kicks your ankle to grab your attention. "You get the one on the left, I'll get the two on the right." He speaks lowly enough so only you can hear.

With that, the two of you simultaneously leap toward your opponents, ready for a fight.

As you run toward the figure on the left, you watch them do hand seals and the ground beneath you starts rumbling.

"Shit." You curse to yourself and leap into the air. Just as you leave the ground, it gives way and a deep hole sits where you just were.

Inu, Toru, U, Inu.

Mud from the ground grasps the person's limbs and hardens into stone, making it impossible to break free from.

You load chakra into your fist and come down from the air, landing a solid punch to the side of their head. Their hood knocks off and it reveals a middle-aged man with no hair.

As he stretches his jaw from the pain you focus chakra into your fist again, only to sense someone behind you.

So, you turn around on your heel and punch the person that was about to attack you from behind.

Well, at least you thought it was a person.

A huge boulder crushes to bits and pieces to reveal another cloaked person crouched on the floor, doing hand signs at a pace that's unable to read.

You quickly throw shuriken behind you, knowing you hit vital areas on the person that was still trapped in your earth jutsu, and move around while doing hand signs. The stone has surely broken their bones by now and your ninja stars killed them.

Ushi, inu, tora, ushi, inu, saru. "Earth style: Rock Daggers."

You stop moving and shoot chakra into the floor. When you gather enough sharp edges of rock, you send it toward him and jump into the air once again, planning to use one of your new jutsu's you have yet to try.

Ne, Inu, Tori, Mi, Mi, Tatsu, U, Ne, Tora, Saru, Ushi, Tatsu, Ushi, Hitsuji, Saru, Ne, Saru, Mi, Ushi

You do those hand signs the required amount of times and firmly set your two hands on the ground. "Rock Finale." You announce, not sure what to expect.

His Traitor ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now