He didn't speak back, he seemed lost in his thoughts as he looked at me. The smile faded away from his face now replaced with his emotionless state. "Mattheo?" I muttered softly, he shook his head and the smile appeared on his face again.

"I was going for a walk actually, now tell me what you're doing."

"I was going for a walk too, I had a peculiar dream and a bad headache. So I felt it would be nice to go for a walk."

"headache?" He said, confusion on his face.

"yes, I think I may have seen a memory. But like it wasn't complete, what could that mean?"

"memory? Wait I had a strange dream too. I have to go speak to Snape about something actually, could you tell me what this memory of yours was about?" He asked, I wasn't sure whether to tell him or not as my dreams were private, but the look on his face made me feel as if I should tell him. He leaned closer to me, I could feel his body heat radiating from him and a strong scent of expensive cologne surrounding me.

"well, my mother was in it and we were at some kind of lake or the sea or something. I was swimming around in the water and there was a boat in the distance, a boy sat on it who looked like a brother or a cousin, but the strange thing was that neither my mother nor the boy had faces so this made me realise it wasn't complete." I said, his eyes widened and he scratched his head weirdly like he was nervous.

"That's....interesting. Well, I've got to go now, bye-bye." He murmured, sketchiness all over him as he turned and walked away, quickly going through the common room but just as he was about to leave I grabbed his wrist. He turned his head to face me then down to where I was touching him.

"Miss me already?" He taunted, biting his lip as his eyes found mine once again. I let go of his wrist then said, "why do you have to speak to Snape?"

"why is it any of your business?" He hissed, rubbing his finger over where I had grabbed his wrist, then looked back at me, "I might tell you, later. But right now, I need to go, I have matters to attend to. And don't go grabbing my wrist, that's my thing."

This time he opened the door and I let him leave, what could he mean by 'matters to attend to'? With Snape? What matters could Snape possibly help him with?

I turned around and rolled my eyes as I saw Draco Malfoy infront of me. He was in completely black pyjamas and a smirk formed on his face as he eyed me"no need to roll your eyes, missus. I'd like to speak with you, in private."

"what do you want to talk about?"

"hmm you'll see in a moment, won't you?" He said, grabbing my wrist and taking me down some stairs, to his dorm. I began to feel frightened as we entered the empty room, he had his own room as he was a prefect or something.

His room was decorated with black and green decorations, an aroma of green apples being made by all the scented candles around the room. His room was very neat compared to mine, which made sense, he seemed like a neat person.

He sat down on the bed and patted the space next to him, I sat down on the comfy mattress, sinking in slightly. I had to admit he was quite charming, but what he had done the other day made me nervous to be in a room alone with him, especially a bedroom.

"so...I've heard you and Mattheo are getting closer." He remarked, placing his hands on his thighs.

"where did you hear that?"

"I saw you two just now, his eyes when you touched him. He likes you, can't you see?" He murmured, a blush crept upon my cheeks but then I realised something.

"This is for the game isn't it? I don't believe you." I hissed, crossing my arms as I lay back on the bed.

"I'm being honest, he's never liked anyone before so maybe he isn't showing it very well. It's been put into his mind that it's impossible for him to love or be loved." Draco said, laying on the bed next to me. I still didn't believe him, that didn't make sense. I turned to him and his grey eyes were much softer than the other day, more...genuine.

"Are you his personal matchmaker or something, Draco?" I asked and a low chuckle escaped his lips as he moved a bit closer to me.

"hmm, you could say that." He uttered, a smile on his face. I was actually enjoying my time with the blonde boy until the door opened. Theo entered the room, a look of confusion on his face as he saw the two of us lying on the bed together. He gave Draco a cold stare before looking at me, an angered look covering his face.

"what's happening in here?" He wondered, glaring at Draco.

"we're having a conversation."

"In your bedroom?" He growled, walking over to the bed.

"It's not like that...this is the only private place I could think of. And anyway we were talking about, you know what." Draco said the 'you know what' a bit quieter, I looked at the open door and Mattheo looked at the door then back at me.

"you were just talking, right Diggory?" Riddle looked at me darkly as I got off the bed.

"hmm?" I barely heard what he said, "oh yeah, of course."

Draco just sat there watching us awkwardly as we left the room.

Mattheo closed the door behind us and stood infront of me, the angered look slowly leaving his face as he moved his hand towards my face. He placed his thumb below my chin and pulled it up slightly to look at him and examined my face. The sudden cold touch was a bit of a shock to me but I brushed it off slightly as his eyes bored into mine," he didn't touch you, did he?" He asked in a soft tone, still looking over every part of my face. He finally looked at my chin, rubbing his finger over it tenderly, his touch creating a weird feeling in my stomach.

"there's a mark on your chin." He spoke, "Where is this from?"

"Oh it was probably from the other day, you know in the corridors with Draco."

"would you like me to speak to him? I can get him to stay away from you if you'd like."

"no, it's fine. What happened with Snape?" I asked as he let go of my face, scratching his head once again, maybe this was his body language showing that he's nervous.

"I can't tell you, well I can soon, but not right now. You can go speak to him yourself, but he probably won't tell you either. I don't really understand it myself exactly."

"well, it can wait, I guess," I muttered, feeling a bit melancholy that maybe Mattheo knew something about my mother.

"It's going to be hard keeping it from you, but it's essential I do. Or something bad could happen."

I nodded then began to walk off. As I reached the stairs I heard footsteps behind and his hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around and his eyes looked somewhat guilty, "By the way, if you think I know who your mother is, I don't. Maybe these memories of yours will grow and you'll begin to fill in the gaps. The thing Snape told me is actually very different and has nothing to do with her if that is what your thinking." He said I felt kind of relieved that it wasn't about my mother but what could it actually be about?

He let go of my wrist and turned around going back to Draco's room. I walked up the stairs straight back to my dorm, getting prepared for the long day ahead of me, the memory of my mother still rushing through my head. Making me feel loved for the first time in a while, knowing that I had a mother made me forget everything about the game. Only positive thoughts were now in my mind.

"I love you mother," I muttered to myself as I lay back on my bed.

I never thought that a memory could make me rethink my past.

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