"You!" Nyko yells and charges at Finn making me smirk. Bellamy points his gun at Nyko but I push it back down. Bellamy stares at me confused until I smirk and he shakes his head.

"Do something." Octavia says panicked and I only watch." Please." She begs and with a sigh I step forwards and pull Nyko off.

"Em slaughtered ai stegeda, Jus drein jus daun."(He slaughtered my village, blood must have blood.) Nyko says and I nod.

"Sha, en em will. When osir bring em kom the heda. Em'll choose his punishment."( Yes, and it will. When we bring him to the commander. She'll choose his punishment.) I tell Nyko and he calms down. He spits at Finn and storms out of the drop ship.

"What did you tell him?" Bellamy asks and I shrug as I look over to Lincoln. I frown.

"He's not breathing." I call out and drop to Lincolns side. Clark comes over and checks his pulse.

"His heart stopped move." She says and I get up and move away as she gives him CPR, Lincoln gulps a breath of air.

I walk out as Nyko walks back in to see Lincoln, I go to check the perimeter.

 We go back to camp as Clark tells Abby the way to stop the attack. I tap Clarks shoulder when I see torches in the distance. We all go inside to talk.

"They aren't attacking yet, that means we still have time." Clark tells everyone.

"We have two hours till dawn."

"Let us talk to the commander." Clarks head snaps to me." Anya trusted me, she must have told the commander, she might go easy on you if I'm there." I tell Clark and she nods.

" We don't even know that the commander is here." Jaha says and Finn speaks up.

"Yes we do. Nyko told us, you have to at least let them try." Finn say.

"Abby we're wasting time, give me the authority now." Jaha says and I scoff. He just wants to be in control.

"Hold on. Clark you said Lincoln is going through withdrawal, we don't even know what he's withdrawing from. The detox alone can kill him." Abby speaks up.

"That's were you come in."

"And if I cant save him?" Abby asks.

"That's not an option." Clark tells her and I sigh. I slowly make my way out and to the gate.

"Open it." I tell the guard but he scoffs. I look around to see we're alone and I punch him in the throat. He falls down holding his throat and I pull the leaver to open the gate.

I walk out and towards the grounders, I meet  up with a grounder. 

"Im izzy kom skai cru. Ai laik hir kom talk kom your heda."(Im Izzy from sky crew. I am here to talk to your commander.) I tell him and he nods.

"Onya spoke highly gon yu. Em told osir yu laik true gona."( Anya spoke highly of you. She told us you are true warrior.) The grounder says back and nods to the tent. I follow him as he walks to meet up with another grounder.

"If you so much as look at her the wrong way I will slit your throat." He says and I chuckle.

"Yu'd try, ba yu'd fail." I tell him and he smirks.

"We'll see." He says and we walk into the tent.

I walk in and stop in front of the female sitting on a throne like chair. She looks at me and she looks confused. "Your not the one that burned 300 of my warriors alive." She states more then asks, I shake my head.

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