9 - Professor Hottie (The end)

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Okay so this is the last chapter, I hope it's alright :)
Q: Would you rather One direction come back for one more album and a tour with Zayn or One direction come back for more than one album and tours but without Zayn?

Louis panicked for a second as be shifted uncomfortably in his seat, and he felt his cheeks heat up even more as the whole class was now looking at him. He gulped before deciding to play it cool and stand up as he tugged on the end of his jumper lightly with a smirk on his face to hide how panicked he really felt. Louis just hoped that his charm would make Harry go easy on him.

"Well you see my fine gentlemen." Louis started as he stood up and gave Harry a panicked look. "He clearly used the words to show he was an educated man."

Harry chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Err no.." Harry bit back more laughter. "I taught all of you this multiple times this semester."

"Well maybe if you had better teaching methods, I would know the answer." Louis smiled and smirked as the whole class watched the conversation between Louis and their teacher with confused expressions.

"Are you questioning my ability to teach?" Harry asked as he popped his hip out a little.

"I don't know babe, you tell me." Louis ignored all the sudden whispers as he focused his attention on Harry who just sighed and gave Louis his signature look.

"Well sweetheart, seeing as I've told you this a million times I would have thought you would know it by now." Harry shot back as Lilly gave Emma and Lexi a confused expression.

"What is going on?" Lilly whispered to no one in particular.

"I'd like to know too." Emma sighed as she looked between Harry and Louis.

Louis ignored them as he stood straighter and rolled his eyes at Harry's comment. "That's like me asking you to tattoo someone." Louis laughed as Harry faked a hurt expression.

"I did it once." Harry whined as Louis raised his eyebrows.

"And look how that turned out, I now have a dodgy tattoo stuck on my arm for eternity." Louis shot back at his scowling husband, who quickly started smiling.

"Are you going to answer the question or not." Harry asked as Louis smirked and walked further towards Harry. The stares no longer made him uncomfortable they actually boosted his confidence a lot. He reached where Harry was stood at the front of the room and smiled innocently at him.

"I would love to baby cakes, but I only came to drop off your bag." Louis smirked and handed Harry his bag before turning to look back at his group who were all staring at him with their mouths wide open, apart from Kevin who was sat in his seat with a happy smile on his face, clearly pleased with this whole ordeal.

Louis glared at him before Tanner suddenly yelled. "What the hell is going on!"

Harry sighed and turned to face his class as Louis stood next to him. "I see you've all met my husband, Louis."

"Louis?" Emma grumbled. "He said his name was Lucas."

"I lied." Louis shrugged. "Harry kept forgetting his stuff."

"Your name is Harry!?" Emma exclaimed as they looked shocked at Harry.

"My whole life is a lie!" Someone else yelled.

"Calm down you lot." Harry laughed as he leant back on his desk. "Looking back at it now, you are all idiotic for letting Louis take a seat."

"Hey! It's not our fault you didn't even realise!" One of Tanner's friends yelled before high-fiving Tanner.

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