6 - What's Kevin up to?

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Q: Fine line or HS1?

Harry decided that calling into school was unacceptable, he may have been sore but his students needed him, their finals were coming up soon and he needed to be there for them. Reluctantly he pushed the duvet off his body and got out of the double bed, careful to not wake his sleeping husband, and walked- well limped into the bathroom to have a shower.

Harry walked out of the bathroom with a shower towel around his waist as he walked over to the closet. He grabbed his clothes but before putting them on he looked back at his sleeping husband, Louis' hair was a mess and all spread out over the pillow, the sheets were covering most of his naked body but Harry was still able to see Louis' tattoos that were littered over his chest. Harry loved them, he loved kissing them and drawing around them with his fingers. He smiled before turning back around to get changed.

Once he was changed he pressed a light kiss to Louis' feathery hair before walking down stairs. He was about to grab his bag from the counter when he realised something.

Louis was the one who interrupted my lesson a week ago. He came to bring me my stuff but I was stupid enough not to look up and he sat through the lecture so he wouldn't embarrass me.

Harry smirked and left the bag on the counter before walking out the house. He loved to see Louis after one of his lectures, it always made him so happy. So with a smile on his face he drove towards the university of London.


Louis woke up abruptly when his alarm went off, he sighed when he noticed the empty bed and hit snooze on his alarm. He knew Harry wouldn't take a day off but it was worth a try. He pushed the sheets off his body and walked into the bathroom stark naked.

He took a shower and got changed before walking downstairs and seeing Harry's bag on the counter. "What a dufas." Louis laughed as he picked it up with his keys and walked out the house to his car. It spiked a new excitement in Louis when he knew he was able to listen to Harry talk for an hour, he loved when his husband spoke about things from other perspectives and seemed so interested in it.

He parked his car and rushed inside before the last of the students took their seats, he smiled at Lilly when he noticed her. "Hey, you." She smiled back at

"Hey." Louis replied before looking towards Harry, Louis blushed and tried to hold back a smirk when he noticed Harry had a small almost unnoticeable limp when he walked around at the front of the room. Emma followed Louis' eye line and looked from Louis to Harry with her brows knitted together. She cleared her throat to get Lilly and Louis attention.

"So how was your guys' weekend?" Emma asked, she knew about Lilly's little crush on Louis, but something made her think of Louis as some sketchy character.

"I went to the movies with Chris." Lilly smiled as she giggled, clearly trying to get Louis' attention about her love life. But Louis was too busy watching the way Harry limped when he walked over to his desk.

"What about you, Lucas?" Lilly asked as she batted her eye lashes, Louis looked over and smiled.

"I had a marathon with a friend." Louis shrugged as he bit back a smirk as if it had a deeper meaning.

"Oh cool, was it a movie marathon?" Lilly asked.

"Sure... let's go with that." Louis said before turning back to look at Harry. Emma and Lilly shared a look and Emma could tell Lilly was getting anxious. She hated it when Lilly got crushes on guys, she always got too attached and then got her heart broken. Lilly sighed and leant back in her seat.

Kevin turned around to face the three with a smooth smirk on his face. "Looks like Professor Styles had an exciting night." He said making Louis glare at him while the others sat with confused expressions.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked making Kevin laugh.

"He's limping." Kevin pointed out. "He's definitely a bottom."

Emma noticed how Louis blushed and moved uncomfortably in his seat. She watched him carefully as Louis rubbed his hand along the stubble on his face.

"What about you, Lucas, are you a bottom?" Kevin put emphasis on his name making Louis bite back anything sassy he wanted to say in return.

"I'm straight." Louis huffed out, but he didn't miss the way Lilly piped up a bit.

"Really?!" Kevin faked a gasp. "You don't look like the type."

"Well I am." Louis shot back as he glared at Kevin who seemed to get the hint.

Lilly noticed the tension and quickly changed the subject. "Does anyone know where Tanner is? He hasn't been in school for like two days."

"I don't know, but I hope he's okay." Emma said as she fiddled with her hands.

"What, because you're in love with him?" Kevin laughed as Emma flipped him off.

"No. He's just a close friend." She huffed and stopped listening to Kevin's useless blabbering.

Louis smiled and looked over to Harry, he remembered how they use to be just close friends in highschool, and how they were always very awkward around each other but now they were more than comfortable with each other.

Louis had zoned out and hadn't realised that the conversation had changed until Lilly spoke up. "Maybe one day we will find out more about our mysterious Professor."

"Hopefully sooner rather than later." Kevin said sternly as he raised his eye brows at Louis.

Once class was over Louis quickly left the classroom and grabbed Kevin the minute they got outside. "What the fuck are you doing?" Louis hissed as he grabbed Kevin's shoulder and pulled him back.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kevin smirked as he nudged Louis' hand off him.

"I paid you forty bloody bucks for you to not say anything, so shut up." Louis whispered as Kevin looked him up and down and scoffed.

"Why are you even sneaking into your own husbands lectures anyway?" He asked and Louis went to talk but Kevin cut him off again. "Y'know what? I don't care, because you paid me forty bucks and if I get bored of keeping your secret I could easily tell everyone." Kevin smirked and Louis stepped closer to him.

"You wouldn't dare." He spat and Kevin just laughed and pushed Louis back slightly.

"You'll have to wait and see." He said before walking away, leaving Louis infuriated in the car park. There was no doubt about it now. He hated that guy.


I hope you all have a good New Year's Eve and we have a much better 2021 :)

Remember to take care of yourself <3

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