Chapter 4

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Over the years as an independent single Mother, Willow Faye has grown so much. Gone was the pathetic drunkard wasting away like stale, moldy bread until she died of liver failed. Now Willow was a new woman, a patient and kind woman to the eyes of many. She gave everyone who had been wronged a second chance, just like how she gave herself and what's left of her family a second chance.

But when she slammed her fist onto the table, making a solid THUD!! noise that made the other people in the boardroom meeting she was holding flinch? Well, that woman is simply gone, and a new and unfavorable woman takes her place.

"How dare you." She hissed, her expression absolutely blazing with rage.

"You come here to convince me to lower the safety standards of our Health and Safety protocols for our Mining Team, who most happen to be Faunus, all for profit!?! Not even caring about the lives that are being risked every single day!?"

The man before her, no doubt one of her ex-husband's partners, looked panicked and flabbergasted. He started to stumble over his words like the bumbling buffoon he was, hoping to explain his reasoning.

"W-well, Ms. Faye, e-er, Mr. Schnee-"

"Don't you go naming that–that fucking accursed troglodyte!" Willow quickly interrupted the man in a furious and venomous tone in her voice that would make the fabled madman Tyrian Callows flinch. She took a deep inhale, trying her best to quell her anger, before leaning back in her seat.


Just the thought about that... that... thing–she would not consider Jacques a man at all! - just made her blood boil.

"Excuse me?" The man utters, appearing perplexed.

Willow glares at Jacque's partner, and it felt like the room temperature dropped a few degrees with how icy Willow's glare was. "Leave...and don't ever bother coming back."

"You'll regret this!" The man swears, gritting her teeth in anger, "We want what's best for the company!"

"No." Willow said, shaking her head, "You want what's best for you." She said, before she pressed a small button that was slightly hidden behind her half-empty glass of water.

It made a small buzzing noise as it was pressed, alerting some guards to come to the room with immediate effect. Then, moments later, guards came bursting into the room, all of them alert and on guard ready to attack.

"Clarence, have you and Mr. Sedron take these disgraceful charlatans out of my office! Use force if necessary, but I want them gone and blacklisted from doing any future business with us!" Willow said, gesturing to the three sitting on the table.

"Yes, ma'am!" They chorused together, before coming to the position of the two men and woman at the table.

Despite their resistance, their strength paled in comparison to two retired Huntsmen. They were easily taken out of their room and they even cried out in pain as their hands were nearly dislocated and their expensive suits were sullied with their frothing spittle. The guards, not wasting any time, quickly escorted them out of the room.

However, before the last sleezeball escorted by Clarence was out of the room, Willow did something that would make her extremely favored within the Faunus community.


Robbie Goone was walking back home...or what he considers his home anyway. After losing his Father and never knowing his mother, he lives in an abandoned alleyway with his friends. He turns to another alleyway and finds two heavy built twin teens about a two years older than him.

The Tale of Zai (Abused Zacian! Faunus x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now