6 : arriving in barcelona

Start from the beginning

"Yes! I'm so excited to show them what I have planned.", Sunghoon said, excited.

They finally reached the hotel and booked in.

"Wow! This room is bigger than the rest!", Sunghoon said in awe.

Jihoon took the luggage from Sunghoon's hands and walked into the room.

"Hey, I wanted to take that.",Sunghoon whined.

"Coach texted me saying they're on the way here.", Jihoon said.

Sunghoon's expression turned to one of upset.

"Aww, I wanted to film something for Penguins..", Sunghoon walked in the room with his head down.

It was clear he didn't want to hear Coach to lecture him again.

"We can do it secretly, if you really want to. I'll cover for you.", Sunghoon looked up, his eyes lit up.

He jumped on Jihoon, hugging him. Jihoon let out a surprised noise as he almost lost his balance.

"Thanks hyung! You're the best!", Jihoon chuckled and patted his back.

"Let's do it now before they get here.", Sunghoon let go of Jihoon and nodded firmly.

He went to his luggage and took out his personal ice skates.

"So, are you going to tease your costume too?", Jihoon asked, curious.

Sunghoon looked at Jihoon and shook his head.

"That would be too much spoilers, right?", Sunghoon was right.

"Besides, the coaching team has my costume.", Sunghoon added.

Jihoon face palmed completely forgetting they don't handle the costumes.

"Okay, I have everything. Let's go to the ice rink!", Sunghoon beamed from ear to ear.

Jihoon chucked at his eagerness and nodded. The ice rink wasn't that far from the hotel but they still took the van just to be quick. Luckily the ice rink was still open.

Bienvenido!", The staff greeted as they entered. (Welcome!)

The staff suddenly gasped as she recognised who just walked in.

"You're Park Sunghoon, aren't you?", the female staff spoke with almost perfect korean. Jihoon was surprised.

Sunghoon smiled and nodded. The female staff squealed as she covered her mouth in disbelief.

"I'm such a big fan..I lo-love your performances.", Again, Sunghoon wasn't used to the compliments yet so his cheeks flushed.

"Ah yes...Is the ice rink still open?", Sunghoon asked timidly. The female staff nodded immediately and pointed towards the door.

"It's al-always open. You can go a-ahead and u-use it.", Jihoon chuckled and crossed his arms, amused.

The female staff clearly had a crush on Sunghoon. Sunghoon smiled and bowed politely, excusing himself.

Jihoon followed Sunghoon as he opened the door to the ice rink. The cold air hit them immediately. During winter, it's even more colder.

"I'll go and put on the ice skates.", Sunghoon told Jihoon.

Jihoon smiled and nodded. Sunghoon went to the nearest bench and sat on it.
He started taking off his shoes and putting on the ice skates.

Jihoon leaned on the railing, waiting for Sunghoon.

"Park Sunghoon?", A familiar voice called out.

It was none other than Yuzuru Hanyu. Sunghoon gasped and covered his mouth.

"No w-way! Yuzuru H-Hanyu?!", Yuzuru chuckled at his reaction. He found him cute.

His role model was right in front of him and he was being shy. He knew he would be here considering Yuzuru is one of his opponents but he still couldn't believe it. Yuzuru held his hand out for Sunghoon to shake.

"Nice to meet you at last, Sunghoon.", Yuzuru said with a friendly smile.

Sunghoon held his trembling right arm with his left and shook his hand.

"I l-love y-you-", Jihoon's eyes grew wide as saucers.

"Wha-Sunghoon-", Jihoon tried to stop him from embarrassing himself.

Yuzuru laughed heartily as he patted the taller boy's hair.

"You're very cute, Sunghoon.", Sunghoon's cheeks turned even more red than before. Maybe because his role model called him cute.

Yuzuru turned to Jihoon, "You're Park Jihoon, right?"

Jihoon nodded and chuckled awkwardly, "I'm sorry for my brother. He just sees you as his role model."

"Don't worry, I'm happy people see me as their role model. Especially someone as cute as Sunghoon here.", Sunghoon was about to explode.

"I think that's enough teasing for now. Why don't we start practicing, Sunghoon?" Sunghoon's eyes lit up and he nodded.

"Okay, show me what you got.", He smirked and challenged his junior.


a/n : going to end this chapter short as I don't want to make it too long

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