Chapter 3: The Sin

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The Razer Crest flies through space, Mando driving while (y/n) was in a different part of the ship, when a hologram message from Greef Karga pops up. "Mando! I received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client. I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall but he's very antsy. Safe passage. You know where to find me." Greef said while the Child got out of his crib and (y/n) comes back into the cockpit.

The Child then unscrews the knob of a lever and begins to chew on it. Carefully, the Mando takes the knob away from the Child. "It's not a toy." he tells the Child. Then (y/n) picks the Child up and places him back in the crib before taking her seat back.

Later, they landed on Nevarro and exit the Razer Crest, the crib floating between the two hunters. They walk through the town towards the building, where the Client was residing in, and Mando knocks on the door. The entry sensor appeared for a moment before the door opens and out walks two stormtroopers.

The stormtroopers lead the two hunters and the Child inside of the building. One of the Stormtroopers grabs the crib, roughly. "Easy with that." (y/n) snapped at the trooper. "You take it easy." the Stormtrooper retorted back at her. (Y/n) let's out a slow sigh through her nose as she closes her eyes, trying not to punch the trooper.

Mando turns his head to her and sees her clenching her fist. He grabs her wrist, which made her look over at him. He shakes his head slightly and she nods a bit, unclenches her fist and he lets her wrist go.

They enter a room where the client gets up from behind the table with a tracking fob. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes." he said as him and Dr. Pershing inspect the Child. "Yes..." Pershing whispers as he scans the Child. "Very healthy. Yes." Pershing said as the Client turns to the two hunters, a bit surprised to see both of them there.

"My, my, my. It took both of you?" The client asked them but they don't respond. "How many fobs did you give out?" (y/n) asked him, suspicious. "This asset was of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure its delivery. But to the winner..." the client said then he lifts up a camtono and places it on the table. "...go the spoils." he finished as he opens the camtono.

Inside were two large stacks of Beskat ingots and the two hunters approach it and take one each of the ingots to inspect them. "Such a large bounty for such a small package. And there should be enough between the two of you." The client said but then both Mando and (y/n) look up and see the floating crib following Pershing.

The Child looks at the two and (y/n) had this weird feeling that he was scared. The three share a look before the crib disappears and Mando turns to the client. "What are your plans for it?" he asked. "I was expecting her to ask that question...but you. How uncharacteristic of one of your reputation. You have taken both, commission and payment." the client said as more stormtroopers slowly enter the room.

"Is it not the code of the guild that these events are now forgotten? That Beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for your armor. Unfortunately, finding a Mandalorian in these trying times is more difficult than finding the steel." The client said. ​​​​You obviously haven't looked hard enough. (y/n) thought as her and Mando place the Beskar ingots back and Mando closes the camtono.

The two hunters walk out of the building and get a few feet away before Mando turns to her. " promised." He said as he holds up the camtono. But (y/n) placed her hand on top of his. "You keep it." She said and Mando tilts his head in confusion. "But you helped me." He said. "I only came in at the last minute." She said and Mando shakes his head.

"No, that droid and I were pinned down. If you hadn't showed up, I don't know what would've happened." He said and she smiles. "Oh, I'm sure you would've figured it out. You always knew how to get out of tough situations. I always admired that about you." (Y/n) said then she sighs while he watches her. "But you keep that. I'm sure the other Mandalorians would love to have that back." She said and Mando lowers the camtono.

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