And for the first time since they'd arrived, Lily lifted her head off Charlie's shoulder. Her tear-stained face paled as she realised where they were. "Charlie I'm so sorry. It's the first place my mind went to. I- let's leave." she said, grabbing his hand and heading for the stairwell.

"Lil what's wrong? Where'd you take us?" he asked worriedly. He didn't have a clue where they were. He knew it wasn't her home, because she had mentioned she lived in a condo.

Before Lily could answer, a door opened in front of them. Charlie's throat ran dry.

"Lily? Charlie?" Percy asked, stunned as he saw the two gingers at the end of the hallway.

"Percy..." Charlie said, realising what Lily had meant.

Lily's eyes watered as she looked at the man she loved. He hadn't changed a bit. And neither had her feelings for him. It had been more than a year since she'd last seen him, and still, her heart ached like every other time she had thought about him during that time, if not more.

"I'll be outside Charlie." she choked out, apparating onto the street, not sure whether Charlie wanted to talk to Percy or not, but she was definitely in no state of mind to deal with him.

People passing by the street looked at her weirdly, and she wondered why, especially since Muggles couldn't see when wizards apparated or disapparated. But then she realised she was standing in the middle of a footpath in a silky green dress without a coat to shield her from the cold, or even a bag.

She backed away into an alley besides the building, keeping a watch out for Charlie. The boy appeared, dressed neatly in his suit, catching Muggle attention as he looked about worriedly.

"Lily?" he called out.

"I'm here." she said, stepping out of the shadows.

"Oh thank Merlin." Charlie sighed in relief. "You have something, under your eye." he zeroed in on her face, pointing to her left cheek.

Lily brought her hand up to touch it, and when she removed it, she saw a slash of bright crimson, presumable from a shard of glass. She hadn't even felt it, but now that she was aware it existed, it stung a little. Perhaps that was another reason the Muggles gave her strange looks.

"I'll live." she let out a light laugh. "What now?"

"I don't know if it's safe to go back yet." Charlie frowned and there was a sound, like the squelching of a sponge and Charlie's cheeks went red. "And we didn't exactly have dinner either. How about we get a bite to eat and then call back home?"

"That sounds great." Lily smiled sarcastically. "Except our clothes are all fancy and we're going to draw attention everywhere we go."

"That's what these are for." he said simply, holding up a brown bag which Lily had just noticed.

Lily peered inside, noticing the bag contained clothes.

"It has an extension charm. And a bit of Muggle money."

The girl's eyes widened as she pulled out a beige jumper and a pair of jeans. They were hers. Some of the many clothes she'd abandoned at the apartment.

"Oh." was all she said, taking the clothes in her arms. "Let's go then."

Fifteen minutes later Charlie and Lily made their way inside a 24-hour open diner. The smell itself made her stomach rumble, even though it felt wrong to even think about food while everything was falling apart around her.

She clutched her sweater around her tightly, sniffing it. It smelled exactly like him, exactly like the Amortentia she had smelled during her sixth year Potions class. The smell of crisp new books and quills, and Butterbeer with blueberry scones.

"What did you talk to Percy about?" Lily asked, not even trying to control herself.

"To be honest, there wasn't much of talking involved. He just asked what happened to your face and when I told him that Death Eaters ambushed Bill and Fleur's wedding, he just turned around, leaving me alone before returning a few moments later with the bag. Then he closed the door in my face." Charlie muttered.

"Oh." she said. "He isn't a bad person you know. He has no intentions of joining the Dark Side. He's just easily impressed by power and status. He can get carried away sometimes." she defended.

"I know." Charlie nodded, laughing lightly.



"You better tell me right now Charles-"

"Okay, okay. You might be naggier than mum, geez." he smirked. "It's just – you're still so hopelessly in love with him and you don't even realise it." he shook his head. "You both have too massive egos to work things out."

Lily frowned. "You're right. I do still love him. I have since we were thirteen. You can't expect me to just stop." she sighed, her eyes wandering to the clock on the wall. "It's almost an hour past midnight. We should get going." she said, picking up the bag and paying for the food they had ordered.

Charlie looked unsure but nodded, standing up as Lily followed. Leaving their payment on the counter, Lily took Charlie's hand, and the two apparated straight to the Burrow, where neither said a word about the incident with Percy.


"It's happening." Lily's ears perked up as she sat in Oliver Smith's old room, working on a Quidditch strategy Gwenog Jones had come up with. She turned the radio up as she heard Lee Jordan's voice loud and clear. "To everyone listening, from recent sources it has been confirmed that Harry Potter has been sighted at Hogwarts. This may be the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end. Fellow Hogwarts students, alumni or not, this is Lee Jordan signing off from Potterwatch. I hope to see you soon, fighting for our home. Goodbye." and then there was static.

Lily shot out of her seat, racing to her room as she grabbed her wand. She ran down the stairs. "Mum! Dad!" she called out and the old couple looked up from their evening cup of tea.

"What is it dear?" Olivia Smith asked worriedly.

"I- I have to go." she stuttered. "The war. It's starting. I- I can't miss it."

Connor Smith shot out of his seat.

Just then, Murphy entered through the door, his face cheery as he carried in a casserole. The man froze when he saw what he'd just walked into.

"You're not going. I don't think you realise what's going on Lily. You could die." her dad said, taking a step closer.

"What's going on?" Murphy asked, alarmed.

"Dad I know what a war is." Lily said. "I'm twenty four years old. I know what I'm doing. I have to defend Hogwarts. It's... it's home dad." a tear seeped out of her eye.

"Woah woah woah, you're not serious are you?" Murphy asked, setting the casserole down as he joined her dad's side.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry mum." Lily frowned. "Bye Murphy. I love you all. If I don't make it back..." she bit back a sob. "I'll ask Livvie to wipe your memory."

Murphy nodded gravely. "I'll see you soon."

Olivia Smith's eyes widened as she realised what her daughter was about to do. "Lillian Ariana Smith, don't you dare-" but Lily didn't hear the end of that sentence because she found herself standing outside Aberforth Dumbledore's house, another member of the Order who she knew had a secret entrance inside Hogwarts. One that wasn't sealed off. 

Word count: 2404

Pompous | A Percy Weasley Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें