"Oh... that's the perfect target for our pranks, isn't it Forge?" one of the twins, (Lily couldn't tell the two apart yet) smirked, looking at his brother.

"Precisely. Once, we prepared Sleeping Draught in Potions and I snuck some outside and mixed it with Mrs.Noriss' milk. Filch thought she'd died. He almost buried her alive." Lily sniggered.

"Wicked!" both of them exclaimed, their eyes gleamed with awe.

"We're going to get along just fine." Lily winked at them, before her eyes met Percy's with a knowing smile. "When this is all done, I'll introduce you to a very helpful poltergeist who goes by the name of Peeves."


"This is horrible. Horrible, horrible, horrible." Lily frowned, stomping around. It was the last Quidditch match before Christmas, and Gryffindor had lost.

Even Oliver didn't look like he was in the Christmas spirit.

"So you lost one match." Percy sighed. "It's not a big deal."

"It was against bloody Hufflepuff!" both the Quidditch players looked at him sharply.

"Okay, okay calm down. We still have another one against Slytherin after break, right?"

"What makes you think we're going to win against them after we lost to Hufflepuff?" Oliver asked with a scoff. Lily was pretty sure his eyes were watering. "Smug Flint wouldn't stop smiling with his smug face and his smug-"

"Okay we get it," Percy said, calming him down. "Just practice."

"Easy for you to say." Lily pouted. She slumped down on the common room couch, face down. "It was Huffleppuff, Perce. HUFFLEPUFF." her voice sounded muffled against the red fabric.

"Okay cheer up, both of you." Percy pulled her up. "Being quiet is my job. You're supposed to be the loud ones."

Lily just looked at him before sighing and walking up the staircase. "Both of our Beaters, and a Chaser are leaving next year. That means we'll be needing three new players. We're done for." she slumped up the staircase. "And Christmas? I can't wait to spend Christmas with my father, while you both spend time at the Burrow." she said with a sigh. "I'm going to learn how to make Veritaserum while you're going to be stuffing yourselves silly with Mrs. Weasley's treacle tart." her eyes rose up in fake joy. "Yipee."

"I wish I could join you. Veritaserum is a highly advanced Potion." Percy sighed dreamily. "What I wouldn't give to learn it now."

"Not helping Perce." Oliver frowned, and Lily just turned around, stomping up the staircase.

"Still can't believe he's her father. They look nothing alike." Oliver quipped as the red-head disappeared into the girls' dormitories. "Although I must say, their stride is quite similar. They both have the same dramatic way of walking." he cracked a smile.

"I think I know what'll cheer her up." Percy smirked, and Oliver's brow rose up in curiosity.


It was Christmas morning and Lily was wide awake as she ran to the tree in the Gryffindor common room. The entire house had helped decorate it before leaving, and although it looked very messy with all the over-decorating they'd all done, it was perfect to her.

Not a lot of Gryffindors stayed home for Christmas. Most of them were just the seventh years who wanted to experience Christmas at Hogwarts one last time.

There was just one present under the tree with her name on it, and Lily already knew who it was from. It was the same as the year before. With a shiny emerald green and silver paper wrapped neatly around it. Nevertheless, she tore it apart excitedly, revealing a picture frame and a small vial of what smelled like Wiggenweld Potion. It had a little string and a cork attached to it. The vial was in the shape of a flower; particularly, a Lily. And the frame, well it had a photo of her brother Oliver, her mum, dad, Murphy, a certain Potions professor and her. It had been taken during her tenth Christmas.

She ran for the Potions room, where she knew her father would be. And she was right, because he was.

"Dad!" she cried running up to him and jumping him into a hug. "Thank you so much for the present. I love it!"

Severus Snape's eyes widened as he stiffly hugged her back before putting her down. He still had the same look on his face when Lily looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

Severus gulped, looking at her, his eyes widening only slightly.

"I- uh, you've never actually called me 'dad' before." he quipped, taking a deep breath.

"Oh..." Lily trailed off before giggling. "Sorry, should I go back to calling you Sev then?"

"No, dad is quite good, thank you."

"Great. Merry Christmas dad." she smiled.

"Merry Christmas Lily." he acknowledged, his lips turning up in a slight smile. "Thank you for the scarf."

"You really like it? I used Slytherin colours, even though I hate the house." she pulled a face. "But I remember you were a Slytherin. I knitted it myself by the way. Mrs.Weasley taught me how to over the last week of summer I spent with them."

Snape's smile disappeared. "I thought I told you to stop hanging around with the Weasleys. They're a troublesome lot."

"Not Percy." she frowned. "Even Charlie's a prefect. The twins are the only ones who cause havoc around. But you need to remember I occasionally cause it with them." she laughed lightly.

The man just shook his head, hiding the smile that was approaching her face. As much as she looked like her mother, she was the complete opposite.

"Okay, I better get to breakfast now. Bye!" the lively girl waved before running out of the room, the small vial of Healing Potion strung around her neck.

Little did she know, there was another surprise waiting there for her. Two boys and three envelopes. She froze by the doorway, not believing the sight in front of her.

"Perce? Livvie?" she squeaked, her eyes widening, much like Snape's had, not a moment before.

"Merry Christmas." the two boys smiled simultaneously. She ran towards them, swinging her arm around each of their necks as she hugged them.

"You're supposed to be at the Burrow, what're you doing here?" she breathed, pulling away.

"We may or may not have convinced Mrs.Weasley to let us leave for Hogwarts a little early because we didn't want our best friend to spend Christmas alone." Wood smirked, leaning against the Gryffindor table.

Lily was so happy tears were inching their way out o her eyes. "You guys..." she pouted, before hugging them once more. "I love both of you. And I hate you for not telling me you were coming!"

"Hate us? We just travelled all the way back from King's Cross for you woman." Percy exclaimed in surprise.

"Oh shut up." she rolled her eyes, pulling them closer.

After a tin of Broom polish from Oliver, a set of Wizarding chess from Percy, a slice of Mrs. Weasley's famous treacle tart and three letters from home, (Murphy, her brother and her parents), Lily decided that would have had to be one of the best Christmases she'd ever spent. 

Word count: 2343

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