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"Say goodbye to Lily, Oliver." Connor Smith smiled down at the boy clutching his hand. He was in tears.

"I want to go with her." the blonde blubbered. "I want to go with Lil."

"Aw Livvie." the girl scooped him into her arms. "I'll only be gone for a few months until Christmas break. And I'll write to you every week, and I'll get you tons of presents for Christmas." she smiled at him, kissing her brother's cheek. "And I'm going to miss you the most."


"From the bottom of my heart." she chuckled. "Oh, and don't go about crying. I can tell what you're thinking, remember?" the girl winked before putting him back down. "I need to go meet Murphy now." she waved at the boy. The couple stood by the doorway in each other's arms, a sad smile on their faces as they watched their children say their goodbyes.

Lily walked over and hugged them. She was pretty sure her dad was crying.

"Why can't you learn normal studies, like, like Math, or Art, Literature, anything." her dad pouted squeezing her tightly.

She laughed. "I'm going to miss you too dad."

And with one final goodbye to her parents, she walked across the street to her best friend Murphy's house. He was getting ready to go to school too.

"Lils!" the boy cried, talking her into a hug. "I'm so glad you stopped by before leaving."

"I'm glad I caught you before you left." she grinned, pulling him closer before the two broke away, still holding each other's arms. "You better write to me every week." she warned.

"Only if you do." he smiled with a playful glint in his eyes. "I still don't get why you have an owl of all things to deliver letters."

"You know I don't trust the post. Besides, won't it be cool when an owl comes to your doorstep with a letter? It'll be the talk of all the Woldingham boys." she winked.

"I suppose." he laughed. "I can't figure out for the life of me how Vanilla is so tame." he snorted. "I have something for you." he dug into his pocket and pulled out a photograph. It was the two of them making snowmen together just last Christmas.

Lily took it excitedly. "Aww Murph, I love it!" she squealed, throwing her arms around him. "Oh, I'm going to miss you so much."

"What school did you say you were going to again?"

"Not important." she waved the question off.

And then she saw Murphy's face morph into one of disdain.

"He's here, isn't he?" she asked with a small sigh.

"I don't get how he's your actual father. I mean, just look at him, you two look nothing alike. Your hair is red, his is black, your eyes are bright green, his are black, your nose is straight, his is crooked. And he looks so bloody cross all the time. Besides, he left you when you were born."

"Hey." she nudged him with a pout. "That's my father you're talking about." she glanced behind her shoulder as the man with the strange robes stood on her porch, with a trunk, a few other bags, and her owl, Vanilla. "Sev is just...a little introverted, you could say." she looked back at the blonde boy and his deep blue eyes. "But he means well. He loves me." she said, as if she was trying to convince herself. And then she remembered that while she could read minds, her father could too. So she shook her head, gave Murphy one last hug goodbye and photo in hand, she skipped back across the road to where Severus Snape stood.




Pompous | A Percy Weasley FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt