More friends and New Enemies

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"GUYS GUYS!!" Lulu yelled running down the hall pulling Lexi with him. "What!?" A robotic female voice yelled back at him. "WE HAVE A NEW FRIEND" Lulu yelled as he suddenly stop nearly tripping Lexi. "Wait what-" the robotic female suddenly cut off, Lexi assumed it was because she saw her. "This is Lexi!" Lulu said as he tug her forward. "Lexi... huh- well my name is Roxy the Wolf" Roxy said. Lexi could feel Roxy eyeing her very closely. "Nice to meet you Roxy- like Lulu said I'm Lexi and I'm the new Nightguard" Lexi said breaking the awkward silences. "Well it's about time we got a Nightguard" Lexi heard Roxy jump off the stage and start walking towards them. "We should probably introduce you to the others" Roxy walked over to them. Lexi felt Roxy's tail brush her leg, like she was trying to guide her without making it obvious.

Roxy lead the three down one of the two hall that were on both sides of the main stage. She stopped at one point and cleared her throat (even though Lexi was pretty positive that she was just trying to get someone's attention). "Oh- well hello kiddos! Who's this?" A friendly male voice said. "Hey Blair, this is Lexi she's the new Nightguard!" Lulu said skipping over and hugging the bat. "Well hello there- Blair right?" Lexi said, taking a step forward trying to figure out where the stage is. "That's me! Oh- do you need some help?" Blair asked, realizing she was having a hard time maneuvering around the room herself. Lexi felt anger build up inside of her, she hated when people asked if she wanted help- but in this case she needed it more than ever. "Well-" "I'm sure she's fine Blair" Roxy said cutting Lexi off.

Roxy moved closer to the new Nightguard and brushed her tail against her leg again and walked forward. Lexi had started to notice a pattern with her Roxy when she brushed her tail against her leg, she was guiding Lexi without making it obvious. And Lexi like that, she like the fact that Roxy unlike everyone else doesn't make a big scene whenever she she was trying to help Lexi. Lexi followed Roxy's tail until she reached the stage. "See I told you she was fine" Roxy said and Lexi could feel the smug smile she was giving her. "Well then it's nice to meet you Lexi. So who are you guys going to go to next?" Blair asked. "Twig- I wanted her to meet my brother" Roxy answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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