24▪︎▪︎▪︎I was stained with you and I was surprised at the first feeling I felt

Start from the beginning

"Get me my teeny plug."

"You're gonna keep it in"


"You're drivinge insane." Minho huff as he assisted Jisung to the plug.

"You're so hungry." Jisung whispered, smiling as they parted. Minho helped Jisung with his pants and hurried to fix themselves up

"I can't believe you decided to call me out here, just to fuck. you even brought the lube for fuck sakes."

Minho just gave him a noot and Jisung frowned upon the sight. "Can't believe you have a plug and is actually prepared for me, Puff."

"Given your libido, I did expect that i'll be reaped, Mortician."

"You did not just use my alias for that "

"I did."

They both got startled and giggled as the echo from the stage director in the backstage rang even to the darkest corner alley they're in, rallying up the presenters.

It's the performance day, Minho is in full blown costume, leather and belts. While Jisung is wearing simple white loose button-up sleeves and loose white pants of the same silk fabric as the top.

"Gotta go." Jisung said hurriedly and scrambled as he fixed how he looks. He's 'bout to run away and go to their respective tables and preparing areas but Minho reached for him.

"Wait." Minho stooped and snuggled slowly on Jisung cheeks, brushing his nose first, before planting a kiss there and ran away before he could react. "Don't let it drip, you're wearing satin."

Jisung was left dumbfounded, touching his hot cheeks that Minho kissed before leaving, smiling like an imbecile.


"Oh my god! Jisung. You just had sex." Hyunjin suddenly gasped and fans his hands.

"What? Excuse me?!" Jisung's voice spiked in guilt.

"You look- " Hyunjin paused and looked judgingly at Jisung from head to toe and back.

"You ain't fooling me, You had this weird aura you always have right after being fucked." Hyunjin fake gagged.

Jisung's mouth gaped open as Hyunjin kept on making stank face as he pulled out a cosmetic bag on the desk. Jisung just glared on him both in amazement and worry. Hwang Hyunjin everybody.

"Huh? what the flying fuck are you talking about?"

"You both keep stealing glances on one another, God, it's obvious." Hyunjin sneered as he powdered up.

"I'll throw up." Hyunjin made faces.

"That's disgusting, we aren't like that, not even one bit, ew." Hyunjin just pulled out at an alcohol spray out of nowhere and sprayed Jisung an unhealthy amount as if its a bug spray all over his face, hands, showering Jisung up with the chemical.

Jisung coughed and squirmed as he tasted the spray in his mouth.

"Aren't like what? Mr. Hwang??!" Jisung furrowed his brows at Hyunjin.

"Your hypocrisy will reach the roof, Hyunjin. You liked flirting with me." Jisung pointing upwards the auditorium's ceiling.

"You railed me in the bathroom on the student night-"

Hyunjin threw the bottle of alcohol to Jisung, whos laughing and stop reminding him of a bad memory.

Hyunjin bursts out laughing and clapping. Yes, He did liked flirting around Jisung, He can only laugh at how they were back then it's making him cringe now that he pondered about it.

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