Chapter 121: Hak and Yona's Unofficial Date

Start from the beginning

The one Yona used to practice with, he broke on accident.

Which reminds me, I should get her another one while we're here.

Yona raised her head as she heard a commotion coming from nearby. Hopping up and down to see if she could get high enough to see, she frowned when all she could do was catch a glimpse.

"Hak, what is that?" She asked curiously, pointing to the empty space not too far away from where a bunch of people stood, loud cheering and overlapping bets taking place.

He steered her through the crowd, placing a hand on her lower back when someone rudely bumped into her and almost caused her to fall. It made heat rise to her cheeks and she slapped it to try and rid it of its color. 

When they broke through, he removed it and she found herself missing the warmth.

"It's a shooting range where you gamble." Hak said, glaring at the passerby who had knocked into her.

"Gamble?" Yona questioned.

"You bet on which challenger is going to hit the target." He explained, letting it go.

It wasn't smart to get in some petty fight, not to mention, he was sure she would disapprove. Jeers turned his attention back to the scene in front of him.

"Hit the second mark, come on!!"

"Aw, you suck!!"

Yona's eyes brightened. "Looks like fun!!"

Hak didn't answer, much too preoccupied with an idea formulating in his mind as he gravitated towards the man running the games.

"Hey mister, can I be a challenger?" 

"Ah, young man!!" He greeted with a welcoming air. "The next spot is just about to open up."

The same trademark, cheeky grin that he was adorning earlier when he asked her to join him spread across his face again. 

"No, actually the one challenging is," He pulled her closer to his side, gesturing to her as she blinked. "Going to be this young lady right here."

"Whaaat?! This little girl is?!"

The man wasn't the only one surprised. 

"Wait a second, Hak—" Yona protested, astonished he would suggest such a thing when she herself wasn't completely sure she could hit the mark.

He grinned back at her, heat emitting from his touch as he patted her head. Facing the shocked merchant, he asked with a slight edge to his tone, "There's no problem, is there?"

"There's no problem but," The man hesitated. "That's impossible!! That little girl hitting such a small target can't be done."

The onlookers started to join in, ramping up the disbelief. 

"I don't know if she can even pull back the string."

"Don't even try it."

Forehead creasing in annoyance, Yona burst out, "I-I can at least!! Do... that... much."

Her voice got smaller and smaller as shyness won over. Hak clapped a hand on her shoulder, smirking down at her confidently. Lavender eyes hardening in determination, she took off her bow, clutching it in her hand as she approached the landing.

"What?! Is she seriously going to do this?!"

"She's definitely going to miss."

"Well then, 1000 Rin she misses!!"

"I bet 2000 Rin she cries and runs home instead!!"

Mocking laughter filled the air and made her shrink back in shame, doubts and insecurities getting the best of her. 

What if they are right? I'm going to miss. 

She was going to make a complete fool out of herself.

"200 Rin she hits the first mark!!"

Yona's mouth dropped open and she twisted around to see Hak crossing his arms with a confident gleam in his eyes. That much money could only pay for a couple of meat baos. The bystanders jeered at him, calling him crazy and wondering if he was truly serious since his wager was so low.

"Sorry, but that's all of my money." He replied back steadily without missing a beat.

She couldn't believe he would do something like this. If she missed, they would lose all of their money and they would get scolded by Yoon well into next week for wasting it. And now that she was standing where she needed to be to take the shot, the target seemed so much farther away than she initially thought.

Her audience laughed, attracting people into coming over to see what this was all about and countless more placed bets that she was going to lose.

"What's wrong, little girl?"

"She can't do it."

"If you're going to stop, you should stop now—"


That one voice cut through all the rest.

Hak smirked at her, cobalt eyes shining with an unusual level of excitement that gave her a boost of confidence. "Just relax."

Her grip on her bow tightened and her resolve carried through. He was watching her. He believed in her.

I can't let him see my bad side!!

She nocked an arrow and pulled the string back taut, tuning out the onlookers' sarcastic cheers as she did so, taking a deep breath.

Eyes shooting open to fixate on the target, she let it fly.

It hit dead center.

Shocked gasps and cries replaced the sneers as she proved them all wrong. Her bodyguard couldn't help boasting as his chest swelled with pride.

"Isn't she amazing?!" Hak guffawed, throwing his head back as robust laughter escaped his lungs. "My young lady!!"

Yona's heart skipped a beat at the mention of him calling her his and saw an unrestrained smile on his face. She hadn't seen it in far too long. Her eyes softened and she glanced down at the bow in her hands as those who betted against her reluctantly gave up their money to her smug companion.

That smile. It was so full of happiness without a trace of the usual hint of sadness he tended to carry with him. She longed to see it again.

I want to see him laugh like that more often. I will work harder so that he can.

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