|~| Ejiro Kirishima x Insecure!Chubby!Reader |~|

Start from the beginning

He too your wrists, holding you like glass. He studied your eyes, never fading to look away. He wanted to make it clear he cared, make it clear he wanted-no, needed-to know!

"No one said anything," you spoke, looking down. Your lap seemed more interesting at the moment. Though Ejiro wasn't having that. He moved his head down to your line of sight, persistent. "I promise."

"Then why are you so sad?" His anger washed away, now completely coated with worry and sadness. "Can you tell me...?"

You couldn't bring yourself to keep it from him, his longing look for your answer was eating at you. He just wanted to help, he just wanted to keep you happy. He wanted to be the reason you smiled.

You let out a long sigh, glancing to the side. He watched you calmly, patient for your answer. He didn't dare speak, not wanting to interrupt your thoughts of how you would tell him.

"I... I just have been thinking, y'know? So many girls drool over you, maybe even some guys! But you chose... well you chose someone who can't exactly keep up with you." You looked at him, watching as his face fell.

He was silent a moment before he cupped your cheeks. "Baby, you're perfect for me. Your personality, your humor, your compassion-and my favorite is how you look. Don't get me wrong, you know! I-I'm not looking for anything u-uhm... sexual, I'm sorry if I sounded like I did! But your shapes are what's unique about you, they're your shapes and your curves. I love everything about you, okay? I love you because you are you." He smiled, trying to brighten the mood a bit.

You watched him, trying hard not to cry right then and there. He gently traced a thumb under your eye, tilting his head slightly. He kept going.

"What's so fun about everyone having similar body types? If everyone had the same frame, same curves, it would be kinda weird, huh? Who cares what your shape is? I don't! Why? I've said it once, and I'll keep saying it until I die; I love you and you are my perfect baby." He kissed your head softly then gently peppered them all over your face, making you laugh a little as some stray tears fell down your cheeks. He wiped them away then kissed the trails they left.

You couldn't help but wrap your arms around him. You held onto him tight and buried your face into his shoulder. He smiled softly and held you to him, rubbing your back up and down and between your shoulder blades.

"Are you still tired?" He questioned, adjusting his head to look at you. "We can go to bed if you really want."

You nodded a little, pulling back. "Y-Yeah..." you sniffed and wiped your eyes.

He lit up. He happily got up and offered his hand to you. "The bed awaits!" He smiled brightly, his eyes glistening with joy and love. "Oh, oh! Do you want a stuffed animal!? I'm sure Mina or Toru wouldn't mind!" And just like that, he was like a kid again.

You laughed and shook your head. "No no, my cuddle buddy is all I need!" You took his hand and got up with him. He squealed happily and practically dragged you to the awaiting bed.

As soon as you were both dressed, you both got into the bed. Kiri made sure you were comfortable before he even thought about laying down. As soon as you were he laid his head on your stomach, wrapped his arms around your hips, and intertwined his legs with yours in a ball.

He moved his head so he could see you. You laughed a little when he nuzzled his cheek into you. You ran your fingers through his hair, resulting in a sleepy grunt from the boy. He kept one eye open to watch you, using his hand to trace over all of your curves around your hips, tracing circles into you.

"I love you," he murmured tiredly, still smiling like a kid. So much love in his eyes, so many thoughts. "Don't ever think anything opposite, alright, baby?"

You yawned before nodding slowly. "I won't... I love you too, Kiri."

Ejiro watched as you drifted to sleep. He didn't dare let himself sleep until he knew for a fact you were comfortable and sleep. He let out a tired, soft chuckle before moving his head again and nuzzling his cheek back into you.

He was going to marry you one day. He already knew it.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
🍕🌹 Kiri ❤️🦈 on PicsArt.Com

Music Credit:

Published On:
January 11, 2021

{As an insecure chubby person-I ALMOST CRIED WRITING THISSS! I need someone like Kiri sindisnwien}

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