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We might have been suffering yesterday,
But it was yesterday not today.
We might have been struggling yesterday,
But it was yesterday not today.
We might have been crying yesterday,
But it was yesterday not today.
We might have failed in achieving a goal yesterday,
But it was yesterday not today.
Today is the day and opportunity to fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals.

A gap of one minute separates one year from the other,a gap of one minute separates one dream with the other,a gap of minute separates hopes and hopelessness,a gap of one minute separates the past and the present,a gap of one minute separates history and future,a gap of one minute is the tool for building optimism.
Let us hope that this new year brings calmness,pleasure,joy, happiness,optimism, hopefulness in our lives. Let us welcome this year with a smile. Let us bid farewell to the previous year with smiles remembering the happy moments that we witnessed in the past year. Let us hope for a better year ahead.

IT'S IN MY MINDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt