"It's Carter can you open the door?" He knocks once more. With one hand holding onto the sweater I use my other to unlock the door. When I open the door Carter has his hoodie off and holds it out for me to grab.

"Thank you." I reach out and grab it. I was about to deny it because I didn't want to be a bother. But I rather not sit through lunch in a wet and sticky sweater. Carter turns and I lock the door again.

I hang his hoodie over my shoulder so I can wipe down my arm with a wet paper towel. When I pull his hoodie over my shoulders I'm surrounded by his cologne it's almost intoxicating. At this point, I should've just denied it. Snapping myself out of it I rinse the arm of my sweater with water and squeeze it again.

I walk out of the bathroom with my balled-up sweater in my hand. I sit back down and L offers to put my sweater in her bag for the meantime. I hand her my sweater and our original waiter comes back with my drink.

"I am so sorry about that other waitress." He tells me as he sets the cup down in front of me.

"You don't have to apologize you didn't do anything," I tell him politely and he nods.

"Okay, you guys ready to order?"

He takes everyone's order and walks away. L looks at me through her lashes and a smirk is on her lips. I lightly kick her on the shin as if would stop her thought process. She glares at me before it turns back into a cheesy grin.

"Why are you smiling at Teagan like a serial killer who is about to get their next kill?" Liam asks L and gets a weird look from Tate.

"Weird way to describe a smile but okay," Tate remarked still looking at Liam weirdly.

"No reason, but I feel like I should be concerned with how that was the first thing that popped into your head." L expresses then turns back to me. "You should get the waiter's number." She suggests. She looks at something behind me for a quick second before returning her eyes to me.

"I don't know, I barely have enough time for myself much less a guy," I answer truthfully. I know I can give myself a break and treat myself. But I'm stuck in this cycle where I'm afraid if I break it everything will go awry. Maybe when the new semester comes I'll change my ways.

L has this satisfied smirk on her face and her eyes go back to behind me. "What are you looking at?" I turn to see what it is she keeps looking at. Nobody is looking in our direction or paying attention to us. Carter in front of me now seems really focused on the table for some reason.


The waiter comes back with our meals and is quick to put them down and leave. The other waitress not once coming back to our table. We breeze through lunch talking about our plans for the break and what we have been doing. Carter seems like he's zoned back in. 

Once we pay we get up to the chairs shriek as they move against the floor. Carter, Liam, and Tate are on their way to the door and L is by my side as we take our time walking.

"Hey, wait hold on." A voice says behind me stopping me and L in our tracks. When I turn around it's the waiter. His snapback removed and his hair free. "I never caught your name." He smiles at me.

L tells me she's gonna go to the car. "It's Teagan." I play with the hem of the cuff of Carter's hoodie.

"I just had to ask, was that guy beside you your boyfriend?"

"Carter?" I can't help but let out a short laugh. "No, he's just a friend."

"Oh okay, it's just that he called you babe and shot a few dirty looks at me." He lets out a breath and runs his hand through his hair. I've seen that move before.

"He just has a thing for annoying me. The babe thing is an inside joke." As for the dirty looks, I don't think I can explain that. And why would he even give him a dirty look?

"Well in that case here's my number." He hands me a napkin with his phone number on it surprisingly not written like chicken scratch.


The past two weeks have flown by so quickly. There has been lots of studying in the library and late-night ice cream stops with Carter. Carter has made his seat next to me in class a permanent thing. Tate left this morning to go back home and L is leaving the same time I am.

I was never able to call Finn because I forgot when I gave back Carter's hoodie the day after I left the napkin in the pocket. Then when I asked Carter about it he said that there was and he didn't know till he already washed it so there was no point.

I scan my luggage to make sure I have everything I need and so that mom won't chastise me about my clothing choices. I am so ready to see Val. And sleep in without worrying about what assignment is due next.

Carter: Aren't you excited for a road trip with me babe ;)

Me: You are making me regret saying yes now

Carter: I'll come and get you at like 1

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

I was in a rush to post this so it's been poorly edited. I'll be re-editing it later.

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