Chapter 3

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Jade pushed the door to the schools bathroom open only to quickly back out seconds later.

If there was one person Jade resented it was Sandy. Jade not only feared her but was also disgusted by her.

She was never the person receiving Sandy's wrath but, it's because she's always avoided her and if she had to wait five extra minutes to use the bathroom she would.

After ten minutes Jade decided to leave. She honestly didn't know why it took her so long to wash her hands and get out.

Jade thought about using the bathroom at the other end of the school but, that plan vanished as soon as the bell for lunch to over rang.

Jade huffed, angry that she couldn't use the bathroom, and to make matters worst she had Math next with Mr. Rhodes. She couldn't stay awake in his presence for more than ten minutes.

She hated him for his endless droning on and on.


Jade had one hand propped up on the desk with her fingers holding onto her chin. With the other she had it in the front of her other arm.

Jade eyes slowly began drooping by the second and just as her eyes were about close she felt a consistent tapping on the desk.

"Psst." She was well aware the person was trying to get her attention but, if She has to be honest, She was terrified to answer. No one has ever spoken to her. Ever.

"Psst." She turned her head to be met with the eyes with Seth.

She gave him a bored expression and waited for him to begin speaking.

"Do you have a pen I can borrow?" His deep but smooth voice rolled of his tongue perfectly with a Spanish accent.

Accents had never been something  Jade had as a preference but, after hearing his, Spanish guys was something that she wanted.

Jade looked at her watch and her face contorted in confusion. Class started almost an hour ago and they've  been working on worksheets ever since. Why was he asking for a pen now?

Jade nodded her head nonetheless and pulled a pen from her bag and gave it to  Seth but not before almost hyperventilating because her hand had brushed along his.

"Thanks." Jade nodded her head. Times like this she really wished she could talk.

Thirty minutes later the bell rung and Jade was the first one out of her seat. She shoved her belongings in her bag and rushed out of class.

Jade had never been so eager to get home but, today she felt as though she was being suffocated and wanted nothing more to leave.

The only people who had ever came into contact with Jade was the teachers.

No one ever speaks to her and she loved it. She didn't need a best friend, because silence itself was hers.

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