Chapter Eleven: The Fair

Start from the beginning

"Your right, you're not a bean you're my bean." He whispered in my ear. I blushed and looked away "Will!" I complained as he laughed, he was about to say something, but he was cut off by the Mabel shouting, "Alright boys let's go!" We all rushed outside and walked to the fair. It took us ten minutes to get there, we got our wrist bands that allows us to ride every ride and went inside. "Well I hope you guys have a good time, remember to come back up here at 8 o'clock bye!" Mabel said and dragged Pacifica off into the distance. Candy and Grenda left as well leaving Bill and I.

"So Pinetree what do you want to do first?" Bill asked me, I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers, "Let's go get snow cones!" I exclaimed, Bill laughed and nodded then we walked around the fair looking for a snow cone stand. We eventually found the snow cone stand and got our snow cones, Bill got banana and I got Blueberry. We walked around the fair trying out every dessert and ride and it was really fun and exciting. My favorite ride was the rollercoaster, but I regret eating my funnel cake before going on it because the second we got off I threw up. Bill was really concerned, he thought I was dying but I explained to him that I was just throwing up.

After the roller coaster incident Bill thought I'd be best to stay away from the rides for a bit, so we played the games. The first game we played were darts, Bill hit all the targets and won two a medium sized teddy bear. One was yellow and had cute blue buttons for eyes and the other was blue with yellow button for eyes. Bill kept the blue bear and handed me the yellow one, I thanked him and gave him a hug, the guy who gave us our bears said we were a really cute couple. We were both really flustered but didn't bother explaining to him that we were just friends.

"Well Pinetree, what do you want to do now? I'm pretty sure we've been on every ride." Bill asked me, "there's one ride we haven't been on yet." I told him as I dragged him in the direction of the Carousel, he laughed and asked. "Oh yeah, which one is that?" When we got close enough to see the Carousel I pointed to it, "we haven't been on the Carousel!" Bill laughed and looked in the direction of the Carousel but when he saw it his face changed into shock and his mouth hung open. "Will? What's wrong?" I asked slightly concerned. He kept staring at the Carousel and pointed at what he was looking at.

I turned around and looked at what he was pointing at, and when I saw it I was shocked to. Mabel and Pacifica were on the Carousel and they were kissing! I grabbed Bills hand and rushed over, by the time we got there they got off and they were both a blushing mess. "Ahem! You two are together and you didn't tell us!" I shouted at them, they looked shocked to see us and began to stutter. "Wha-what a-are y-you t-talking about bro-bro?" Mabel stuttered looking away. "Mable! We saw you two kissing! When did this happen!?" I shouted and she sighed.

"Alright you caught us, we started dating when you guys got kidnaped. That asshole threw Pacifica in the water and when I saved Pacifica from drowning, we realized how much we love and need each other, and we confessed to each other. Were sorry we didn't tell you it's just-" I cut Mabel off with a hug, she was shocked at first, but she returned my hug. I let her go and smiled at her "It's fine Mabel, I'm happy for you, both of you. Now let's go to the front of the fair and wait for Candy and Grenda." Mabel smiled and nodded.

Mabel's Pov

"Where are they?" I wondered, I looked through the crowd and still didn't see Candy or Grenda. "Maybe they already left?" Dipper suggested, I pulled out my phone and saw a text messages from Candy. "I just checked my phone and Candy sent me a message saying her and Grenda already went to the Mystery Shack." I told them, Dipper nodded and started to talking, "I guess we should go home-" "actually, Dipper I have something I want to show you in the forest. Mabel, Pacifica you guys can head home we'll meet you there." Bill said, Dipper was confused but went along with it. "Oh okay. Bye Mabel and Pacifica, we'll see you at home!" Dipper shouted back to us and we waved him goodbye. "Aww Dip is going to be so happy when he get's home." I sighed happily and leaned on Pacificas shoulder, "Yeah he is" Pacifica agreed.

We started walking to the Mystery Shack, but we stopped when someone bumped into me pushing me closer to Pacifica. "Watch where your going jerk! Are you okay?" Pacifica asked me but I ignored her question. 'That guy......his hair looks so familiar, but I don't know anyone with white hair and greyish blue streaks. He was heading in Dipper and Bills direction to......I hope he doesn't-' "MABEL!" Pacifica shouted bringing me out of my thoughts "Huh?" "I asked you if you were okay and you zoned out." "O-oh, Yeah I'm fine he didn't push me that hard he just seemed familiar, I can't figure out who he looks like." "Maybe it'll come to you later? For now, let's just go home." I nodded and we walked to the Mystery shack.

The Mystery Shack came into view and we stopped walking and hid in some bushes when we saw Grunkle Ford run out of the house with his gun; he looked like he was heading for the clearing Bill and Dipper were in. "Woah, that's weird where do you think he's going with that?" Pacifica asked me, "Somethings not right here......." I mumbled quietly and then it hit me. "Oh my god, Pacifica that guy was Gideon and he was going the same direction as Bill and Dipper! I have to do something!" I shouted as the realization hit me. "What are you going to do?" "I don't know but I need you to go to the Mystery Shack and get everyone to the clearing Bill and Dipper are in." She nodded and kissed me on the cheek "good luck" she said as she got up and ran towards the Shack.

I got up and ran in the direction as Grunkle Ford. 'How did Gideon know we were here?' I wondered but then remembered that Grunkle Ford was texting someone with a light blue pentagram icon. 'Grunkle Ford! He must've told Gideon we were here but why and why would he chase after them with a gun? Wait did they figure out that Bill is Will! Oh my god they did and now Grunkle Ford is going to try and kill him, but if Grunkle Ford found out Will was Bill why would he tell Gideon? Maybe.......Maybe Gideon found out that Bill was here and told Ford! Yeah that has to be it, thank you Ducktective' I thought as I approached the spot Bill and Dipper were in.

When I got there Gideon was telling Grunkle Ford some nonsense about Bill trying to hurt Dipper but I wasn't paying too much attention I was more focused on Grunkle Ford's gun. 'If I don't get that gun away from Grunkle Ford then Bill is done for.' I thought, so I slowly crept towards them careful not make a sound. They were too busy arguing to notice me which I was thankful about. I kept walking and finally I was in range to grab the gun but before I could grab the gun I stepped on a twig, I froze as Grunkle Ford slowly turned around.


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