Extra Chapter: Phone Call

Start from the beginning

"I hate you! I hate you! You antisocial loser! You have no life!"

"You'll love me eventually," I shrugged. "I've seen enough anime and played enough visual novels to know how to deal with this route."

"…" No response.

"Hello? Sumire?"

"… Dammit," she muttered softly but I heard it.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

Through the entire conversation, not once had I stopped smiling.

"How did you figure it out?" Yuna asked.

"How could I not? It was all part of my plan."


"Kuku... Now that I posses the hōgyoku, the Soul Society is mine!"

"You won't get away with this! Ban...Kai!"

"Does that mean you've master—"



After an dramatic (and inaccurate) finale that no one had been expecting, I had my arms raised and my face scrunched up like I had been bested in a fight. It felt quite liberating, almost as if I could picture the entire even taking place before me as reality...

… So that's what chuunibyou is...

"Anyways," Yuna started, her voice sounded relaxing. "I can't quite figure out how you noticed that it was me speaking and not Sumire. How are you the only one that's able to notice these differences."

"My superpower, perhaps?"

"Geez, I'm being serious!"

"I know," I felt a smirk creep up my face."That's why it's fun talking to you like this."

"... Fuu, I can never win with you."

I could only laugh at her response. Yuna had a tendency to be hung up on the smallest things and didn't like revealing her mistakes, but that's the sides of her that make her human too. I don't believe in perfection, but Yuna seems to dead set on achieving it.

Not like there's a problem in trying.

"Your voice," I answered.

"My voice? What do you mean? I'm not sure that I quite get— Oh!" She yelped, as if struck by a revelation. "That's what you mean! I see, I see..."

"I take it that I don't need to explain?"

"Hah? How dare you make an amateur of me! Of course you don't need to!"

"Alright, alright," I laughed awkwardly. "Well, as long as you understand..."

"Hmph!" She huffed.

If I'm someone that can help her achieve what she's striving for in this world, I'll gladly offer up everything that I have.

Yuna didn't respond after that. I checked to see if she was still on call.

It was, and I could hear her breathing. It was slow. Rhythmic. Well paced. Intentional.


Suddenly, I felt my chest heat up.

I had come to the realisation that on the other side of this phone – a convenient method of communication, there was a girl. A girl with skin so soft that it springs upon touch. A voice so delicate and yet so audacious that you can't help but to pay attention to it. Eyes, oval-shaped and so curious, that if given the chance, she would dive inside mine and divulge all of my secrets.

Zodiac Signs: ThirteenWhere stories live. Discover now