Extra Chapter: Phone Call

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Yuna Tomoe is a girl of many colours. She is a blank canvas that can be painted to conform into any artwork that she desires. It's to the point where she can seperate her personalities to fall under each of the Star Sign categories, and this was before the school was created.

I feel that, if she is to continue her schooling career at Zodiac High for the next three years of her life, she would most definitely synchronise all of her personalities at 100 percent. It's not really a hunch or a feeling any more. It's more certain to say that it is actually something that I am completely assured of.

She is a complete prodigy when it comes to being one of her selves and their is no one else like her.

The perfect zero.

… This is probably how the Mayans felt after discovering the number zero.

In fact, that should be the new saying that people use when they are trying to express how great they feel.

“It's like giving birth to Yuna Tomoe!”

Yep, that definitely sounds like it could become a thing... Memes anyone?

Although I've spoken about Yuna like she is some sort of omniscient genius that has the ultimate form of Dissociative Identity Disorder, that would be doing her an injustice. That's not who she should be defined as at all.

She is human, and like everyone else, she prefers to see things in her own perspective.

So, how does she see things?

If someone's best skill centres around the fact that they are all personality, then how does she deal with things outside of that?

How does she deal with things that range out of her area of expertise?

Those are things that I hope to find out as we get to know each other better.


Whilst my luck isn't anything to brag about – I'm being serious when I say this – getting a call from Yuna on a Sunday morning does fall into one of the "Oh, this might actually be my lucky day" categories.


The phone vibrated, rousing my body from it's sleep, almost like awaking the dead. The person it was used on wasn't expecting it.

"Hnng..." I groaned, lazily moving my hand with practiced motion towards the cupboard next to my bed. After multiple noisy taps on the wood, I finally grabbed the culprit.

Avoiding eye contact with the  bright screen, I answered the phone.

"Morning, Yuna," I yawned involuntarily. "You're quite early this morning... Did you dream about me and called to speak about it? I'm all ears."

"Shut it, you imbecile. Did I give you permission to start a conversation with me? You do realise that it's early for this kind of audacity, don't you? And judging from your tone you've just woken up, haven't you? Disgusting! I can smell your morning breath all the way from here! Keep quiet and listen."

Oh... it's Sumire. Luckily, I've been practicing for this.

Here goes...

"Morning, Sumire. You're pretty excited this early... Did you miss me?"

"Hah! As if! I'd rather sell my organs on the black market for zero dollars."

"You should just donate them then!"

"Do you think I'd listen to a nobody like you? I'd do the exact opposite of what you tell me just to piss you off!"

"T-The rebellious phase! Teenagers are scary!"

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