« part 3 »

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Kuroko left his house as his little sister bid him fair well. And when he shut the door to his home. Kimura who lives across the street started walking to school. Not noticing a certain blunette who tapped her shoulder lightly to get her attention. "Ohayo-"
He was cut off by a brown school bag to the face and a squealing voice shouting PERVERT. She turned around ready to kick when her eyes widened. "EH KUROKO-KUN IM SO SORY I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS YOU!!" Kuroko just blink a couple times, "it's fine". the brunette bowed 90° and then stood up and smiled "then how about we walk to school together" and she grabbed his hand and made her way to school. As soon as the duo arrived, Kimura was still running with kuroko attached to her arm like a dog on a leash. Not paying attention she then crashed into a tall red head. "Hey watch were your-" he turned around and noticed it was a girl who he made cry. Kuroko, then speaks up, "Bakagami your still lacking delicacy". Kimura started bowing like a million times. And kagami waving his hands in apology and saying she didn't need to bow. Befor they new it bell rang for class
"EH KAGAMI-KUN KUROKO-KUN LETS GOOOOO BEFOR WERE LAAATE" and she started both of them. (To avoid confusion this is not a kagami oc)

A/N: I'm not dead! Lol I'm back. I hoped you enjoyed my shitty writing, next chapter is gonna get intense!!

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