Fortune and Elevator scene

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The day after I'd given up, though, I found myself moving toward the fortune-teller again.


Yet another bizarre meeting; fate had reunited me with Ibuki. We happened upon the same place at the exact same time.

Ibuki: Why I am on screen?

Ishizaki: You are also related to ayanokouji in a someway.

Ibuki pinch ishizaki.

Ishizaki: Ouch what's that for.

Ibuki: Don't ask me.

Shiyori: Well now we get know about you ibuki-san.

Ryuen (teasingly): Don't tell me you have a crush on that monster that's why you were so surprised on the rooftop.

Ibuki (cheeks became red): Shut the hell up or else I will beat you.

Ryuen: kuku scary.

Horikita: What were you doing with her?

Ayanokouji: Fortune telling aka tenchuusatsu.

Everyone: NANI!!!

Ike: You bastard.

Haruka: Kiyopon why her?

Airi became life less.

Haruka shaking sakura: Airi AIRI.

Ishizaki: you were date on ayanokouji?

Kei started glaring at him

Ibuki: no it was not a date.

Hiyori: Now ibuki-san you have a wise choice.

Ibuki: It was not a date.

Ryuen: Well, it is certainly heart breaking ibuki.

Ibuki: All of you go to hell.

Horikita: explain yourself ayanokouji-kun or suffer.

Horikita takes out her compass.

Aynokouji: Just see the video guys.

"Why did you come here again? And by yourself?" Ibuki looked disgusted. I got the impression that I thoroughly repulsed her.

"I could ask you the same question," I countered.

"Well, I said that I like fortune-telling, didn't I? I thought maybe I could have my fortune read, even if I'm alone," she replied. So, Ibuki came here hoping the rules had changed since yesterday. I wondered if she really did like fortune-telling that much, and if so, which part.

"I'm going to ask you something directly. Ibuki, do you believe in fortune-telling?" I asked.

Random 2nd year girl: of course, every girl is interested.

All girls agreeing to her.

"Are you saying I shouldn't?"

"No. But it's generally not something people start to believe in all of a sudden, right?" Not everyone understood that fortune-telling was the mere application of techniques such as cold reading. Many genuinely believed in divination's mysterious power.

"I suppose a lot of people start out thinking that way. But if you can't move past that, fortune-telling's probably not for you," Ibuki said.

Matsushita: It doesn't look like you guys are on date.

Sato: Now you say it giving felling of coincidence.

Aynokouji: because it was a coincidence.

Haruka: What do you mean kiyopon.

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