S1 Ep10

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"Artemis and I made a bet, one that I'm sure to win. She said that if Bruce walked into the Batcave when we are shooting Cass's video, he would just walk right back out. I told her that he would freak, like scream that we aren't his kids, especially Damian, Rudy, and me. Mainly because we don't like dancing or acting goofy. If she wins, I have to give her all my allowance, which is only like, twenty five thousand dollars. What can I say? Bruce only gives us money when we do good things, and I don't do a lot of good deeds. Maybe sixty five out of the three hundred and sixty fives days in a year do I actually help an old lady cross the street, or hold the door open for a pretty girl stranger. The other three hundred days I'm a pure terror. Which brings us back to the topic: I can't afford to lose this bet, because I don't like being good."

*Que theme song and intro video*

*The kids are in the Batcave surrounded by a colorful backdrop and props. Everything is Christmas themed. Jason, Dick, Tim and Damian are in elf costumes and cowboy boots. Bree, Barbara, Gale, and Rudy are preparing the set. Gale is lightly brushing on some stage makeup on the elf boys, so their faces will show up in the video. Bree and Barbara are positioning the lights and props in the right place. Rudy is doing a sound check and light check.*

"Okay boys! Places! We've practiced and rehearsed and now we're ready to shoot the video." Bree announced.

"Do I have to be in the video? What happened to the part where the girls would do the dancing?" Damian complained.

"The previous plan was that you four would do the dancing and we would be the backstage crew." Bree said.

"Actually, it was all of us would be in the video." Dick said.

"Yeah! Why aren't you in costume? And I thought we would be doing a hip hop number!" Jason asked.

"We thought it would be funnier for you for to do the dancing. Cass has seen us dance numerous times. But never you four at the same time. And we thought that everyone does the hip hop version of the song from the Nutcracker." Barbara spoke up.

"So obviously we wanted to do something more cool. Like a Christmas cowboy dance." Rudy added.

Jason, and Damian groaned. Dick chuckled.

"You know, this isn't so bad. I would do this in a heartbeat for a sum of ten dollars from a total stranger. Just so I could buy myself a warm cup of the Sunrise Coffee shop's best coffee." Tim had the dreamy look in his eyes.

"Of course you would do that. You're messed up." Jason mumbled.

"And you're saying you're not?" Dick deadpanned.

"No, I'm not. I don't drink thousands of cups of coffee every week like Tim does. And I don't work myself so hard that I have to take thirty all nighters in a row." Jason shot back.

"Well, you might not do that but you died and came back to life as a cold blooded killer. And you love songs that talk about death. That's not messed up at all." Damian retorted.

"What about you, huh? You started killing innocent people from the age of two! At least I was fourteen! And you're saying my taste of music is bad, what about yours? You love listening to that - that- that song from the Descendants movies. What was it? Queen Of Mean?" Jason snarked.

"Why would you say that I like that song? It's a song for girls, and I don't like movies about princesses. Therefore, I don't enjoy listening to music in that fashion." Damian crossed his arms.

"Alright! Enough! If we want to give Cass this video as a Christmas present, we need to record it now. First, let's shake out those jitters and get warmed up. We don't want any of you getting hurt during the shoot and not be able to go on patrol." Barbara announced.

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