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Title: Missing 1/? Birthday Surprise
Author: sharonmjl47
Rating: NC-17
Category: Movieverse.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and no one. Sad, isn't it!
Feedback: Please, bad or good. If no one tells me it's bad, I won't know!


She ran down the stairs the instant she heard the doorbell ring, her dark black hair waving around her. Her good physical shape helping her rush the stairs two at a time. She tucked her hair behind her ears once she had the door open.

"Morning, Miss. Joint delivery for Louise and Liam D'Ancanto?"

"I'm Louise D'Ancanto." The delivery man smiled at her, taken in by her intense hazel eyes.

"Sign here, please." She signed and passed his clipboard back to him. Then he handed her a heavy, rectangular-shaped cardboard box with a small letter taped to the front. "Thanks, have a nice day."

She said an absentminded thanks as she closed the door. "LIAM! WE GOT ANOTHER PRESENT!"

She jostled the parcel in her arms as she walked into the living room and set it down on the coffee table. Liam came in, followed by her aunt and uncle. Liam was roughly the same height as she was give or take an inch, 5ft 8in. His hair was black like hers, but he liked to keep it cut short. He was very broad-shouldered and muscular and had the exact same set of piercingly clear hazel eyes

"What is it?"

"I don't know, do I? I just got it through the door. Delivery guy said it was a joint delivery for you and me."

"Come on then, sis. Break it open."

"There's a letter on the top. Better read that first." Liam sat next to her on one plush couch, while her aunt and uncle sat on the other, looking on with growing curiosity. She ripped open the letter and began to read.

"Dear Miss Louise and Mr Liam D'Ancanto.

Please find attached with this letter a box of personal effects belonging to your mother, Ms. Marie Anne D'Ancanto.

Your late mother left instructions with us that this box be kept in our office safe and delivered to you both on the day of your eighteenth birthday."

She looked around at the shocked faces with her before she carried on.

"Within the box is a video tape marked with an 'X'. It was her extreme wish that this video be watched before opening the suitcase (the key to which you will find in this envelope).

If there is anything I can assist you with in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Philip Turner
Attorney at Law
Smith, Wright and Partners."

She passed the letter to her aunt's outstretched hand and tipped up the envelope. A small silver key fell out.

Louise exchanged looks with Liam, and they both dove to open the box. Inside was a small metal silver suitcase and a video box marked with an 'X'.

Liam grabbed the video and walked over to the tv. "Liam, Louise, wait. Your mother never told us that she had done this. I don't know if you should watch it. Maybe your uncle and I should watch it first."

"Aunt Carla, with all due respect, if Mom hadn't wanted us to see this, she wouldn't have sent it."

"But there are things, things, that we've never told the two of you. Marie never left us any instructions on whether or not we should tell you these things so we never have. She told us that you were to stay in school, take self-defence classes and stay safe. That - that was it. What if this tape..." Her husband put his hand gently on her arm.

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