Chapter 1- This Can't Be Happening

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“I’ve got plans tonight,” I told the guys waiting outside my bus as I pulled the key out of my pocket.

“Scatter,” Kerri said waving everyone away before pulling out her phone.

“What are you doing tonight?” I asked her before unlocking the bus door.

“I’m going to fly home. I haven’t seen my husband in weeks,” Kerri informed me.

“Well, I’ll see you in a few days,” I told her as I put the key into the lock.

“Stay out of trouble! I better not get any calls while I’m gone!” Kerri shouted at me as I turned the key and walked onto my bus.

Something felt off the moment I walked into the door. I just couldn’t place it. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and cracked it open before taking a big swig. I started the shower in the bathroom and went to get clothes out of my room. I flipped the light and I literally thought I was seeing things. There was a baby sitting on my bed strapped into a car seat. I just stood there. I didn’t know what to do. This baby, dressed in pink, was staring at me.

“Who are you?” I asked softly like I was expecting her to answer me, “Here’s a note next to you. Let’s see what it says.”


This is our daughter, Kelly Grace Bryan. She was born July 17, 2005. Yes, she was born on your birthday. I’m sorry I never told you about her. There isn’t one day I haven’t regretted the decision to not tell you. I just want you to have her now. I can’t do it anymore. The past year has been a nightmare. I’m not cut out to be a mom.

Her birth certificate, social security card, shot records, medical records, and a notarized statement giving up my parental rights are all in her diaper bag. It’s everything you will need to take care of her from now on.

Best of luck,


Seriously? I dated Whitney for like six months about two years ago. She just called me out of the blue one day and told me it was over. I never heard from her again. Until now anyway. How could she do this to me? Hell, I don’t even know if this is really my kid. I turned and ran out the door of the bus with the shower in the bathroom still running. The baby started crying as I left.

“Kerri! Kerri!” I yelled in panic.

“What is it, Luke?” Kerri asked as she ran back to the bus.

“There’s a kid in here!” I panicked, “That girl you saw was my ex Whitney!”

“Whiney Whitney?” Kerri asked in shock.

“Yes! What am I going to do with this kid?” I asked as Kerri ran past me on the bus when she heard the baby crying.

I followed her. “Luke, turn the shower off!” Kerri said as she was taking the baby out of the car seat trying to calm her down.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a loud voice as I watched Kerri sway back and forth with the baby in her arms.

“I’m calming her down, Luke. Lower your voice. You are scaring her,” Kerri told me, “Now explain to me who this beautiful little girl is.”

“According to the note,” I started, “She’s mine and Whitney’s. But Kerri, I have no clue if she is even my kid! I can’t take care of a kid! I don’t know the first thing about taking care of a kid! I just can’t do it! I have too much going on! She’s just not my kid!”

“Luke, calm down!” Kerri demanded, “You are going to have to remain calm so we can figure this out.”

“Calm down!” I shouted, “You want me to calm down! I just walked on my bus and found a kid with a note saying she’s mine! I can’t calm down! I’m not going to calm down! I’m not taking care of this kid either! She’s not mine!”

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