
Start from the beginning

The black haired male sat up and crawled to the night stand and turned the alarm off.

Then quickly yeeted himself back to his soft warm spot, got under the covers and cuddled the woman and happily breathed in their scents all mixed up together.

"What time is it?" The brown haired male asked.

"6." The one who turned the alarm off answered.

"Too early.." A deep voice said, against the brown haired male's neck, where he was laying on top of.

The girl involuntarily shivered at the voice against the two, bodies pressed tightly against each other, skin to skin.

"We have to get up, today is work experience day isn't it? Those Uni kids are coming over for the day." The long haired male said, now awake.

"Yeah, come on, I'm making breakfast." The brown haired male said pulling the covers down making the two, who were cuddling him whine.

"Jackson, wake up, let's go shower." The brown haired male poked the other's cheek.

With a huff the male sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching, arms behind his head as he arched his back with a groan.

The other male already pealed himself away from the girl, but not before giving her a kiss and going over to the blinds and sliding them open, letting in rays of sunshine, illuminating the whole spacious bedroom.

"Like what you see, Jaebum?" Jackson asked cockily when he saw Jaebum stare at his torso as he stretched.

Jaebum raised a brow, hair still over his eyes, "Shut up, your breath probably smells like death."

Jackson gasped, gripping his chest in a dramatic manner, "Dude, that hurts."

Then a chuckle got heard from behind Jackson, making him turn around.

"Jinyoung! Don't laugh! Tell him my breath smells like mint!" He whined making the other laugh harder.

The girl on the bed was now curled up to Jaebum' side, face resting on his chest as she giggled, eyes still closed.

"Don't be a baby now, let's go, I want you to rub my back." Jinyoung said pulling Jackson by the wrist as the Chinese man pouted.

The two walked to their shared en suite, leaving the girl and Jaebum alone in the bed, basking under the warm sun and each other's presence.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, being greeted with Jaebum's soft eyes on her, a stupid smile on his face.

The girl just blinked at him then said, "If I didn't love you, I would have called you creepy."

Jaebum snorted and laughed, an arm thrown over his eyes.

The girl smiled at the sight and sat up in the bed, pushing the curly hair out of her face and stretching on the bed like a cat.

Or more like a wolf actually.

You see, the 4 are all werewolves, 3 male alphas and 1 female omega.

And all of them are mated, even though nobody thought it was even possible, to have 3 alphas over one omega, but It did work, they all love each other equally and that's all they want and need.

When the omega finished her stretching on the bed she crawled back to Jaebum and sat on his lap, arms wrapped around his neck.

"Hi." She grinned at him.

Jaebum grinned back cupped her cheek, kissing her gently on the lips.

The girl pulled away with a smile, "I love you but you have to shave Bummie, your mustache and beard are spiky."

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