Article [02]

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Dedicated to @Dauntless_Archer75 because we have this bomb duo thread that you should all request stuff on! Link in external and in comments section :)

#24 in Short Stories?!? WAHHH! Thanks guys!

Goal: 70 reads, 10 votes, 30 comments

(Should I do song for the column here? Or nah?)

Advice Column

Macy Triste

Article 02

Published: 09/03/15

Dear Macy,

I relasped my cutting yesterday and then one of the teachers found out. What do I do?

- I hate myself


Dear I hate myself,

I've relasped on my cutting multiple times. BUT the only difference is a teacher didn't find out. I know that you are worried that you are going to go into the box of starvation and you should be.

I'm not sure what to tell you. You could lie but obviously that wouldn't help.

You could tell the truth and once you get out of the box then you can learn how to not relaspe.

My advice for you is to tell the truth, it will get you farther in life. Trust me, I would know.


Macy is an Anon


"Who the hell do you think you are?" My editor yelled at me.

"Your advice columnist." I said and walked away.

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