Chapter 42 : Dog and Chestnut ♡

Start from the beginning

"No!! I don't want to!!" Everyone could hear the screams from the trio.

Inuoka was walking peacefully and can't wait to see Shibayama again, his closest friend from the club.

"Move outta the way!"

Someone screamed that made him flinch. After he shook it off and continued walking, he saw a familiar chestnut hair.

Before he knew it, the person crashed into him. "I said get outta the way." It was Keiko.

"Kurihashi! Waaaiiittt!!" Akahana panted and tried her best to chase her down. Hikaru soon followed and couldn't run anymore. "My legs feel like beanpoles!" Hikaru whined.

"What are you two doing?" Inuoka walked up to them. Akahana explained that they tried to make Keiko study but she ran away the second Hikaru pulled out her notes. He laughed at the story, he knew from Lev that Keiko sometimes got bad grades but he didn't expected this.

"What's the point of chasing her down?" Hikaru tilted her head to Akahana's shoulder.

"I could talk to her!" Inuoka beamed with a huge smile on his smile.

The girls were trying to talk him out of it and he shouldn't involve himself with Keiko, especially with their current relationship together. Inuoka didn't mind talking to her since he thought she was amazing at blocking and serving, even got into the team and the only first year.

"It's okay!" He giggled.

"Suits yourself then, let's go." Hikaru pulled Akahana by the sleeve of her blazer. "Let's go get juice."

After some searching, it was only a few minutes before class started again and Inuoka haven't found Keiko anywhere. He got an idea.

"Free melon bread!" Inuoka shook the packet of melon bread.

The sounds of running shoes was coming closer to him, he knew who this was.

"C'mere, sweet mama!!" Keiko jumped and snatched the bread out of his hands.

Keiko was celebrating with the bread in her hands as she sang a little song of her own. "Finally!!" She opened the bread and bit the melon bread, it was a very big bite.

"Do you like it?" Inuoka asked her. Keiko flinched and slowly turned to see him face-to-face. A frown replaced her smile and her eyes were half lidded as she scowl. "Oh...yeah, I like it. Thanks a lot." Keiko walked away.


Class ended and Keiko ran out of class to go in the gym. The only thing she was excited about school was volleyball practice, she loved it more than anyone in the team and would come in early in the morning just to convince Makoto to toss for her and Aiko to block with her.

With large steps out of the club room, Keiko sang her little song again and hummed the tune. Fumi passed by her and giggled at her childish behavior. Keiko and Fumi always had this weird thing, they seemed to know each other much more than anyone, they were like family.

Finishing the song with a hop and a spin, she crashed into someone. "Oh, hi, Kurihashi-chan!" It was Inuoka again. Keiko clicked her tongue and crossed her arms. "What is it again?" She sarcastically asked.

He told her it was nothing and he just wanted to greet her.

'That guy's weird.' She thought and hopped inside the gym. "Hiya!" She greeted her teammates with a huge smile and her team greeted her with a 'welcome back'.

"You bring your umbrella today?" Naomi asked Hoshiko and sneezed accidentally, "I'll catch a cold if I didn't." She nodded and reassured her she didn't need to worry. When Keiko heard this, she accidentally dropped the ball and it hit her foot. Emika checked up on her if she was alright and it was just a bruise that would go away in days. But the thing that she was shocked was, she forgot her umbrella.

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