13. Ignorance is Bliss

Start from the beginning

"Not true!" Ginny exclaimed, bursting into the room from outside. "That is false."

"Whatever," Fred laughed, rolling his eyes. "Maybe we should room together instead. You know, let Harry room with Ron for these last couple of nights."

I bit my lip as everyone watched the scene go down. Ron's face tightened and instead of arguing like he would've normally, he bounded back upstairs.

Celeste narrowed her eyes and stormed over to where Fred and I stood, the both of us now laughing.

"I'm so glad you moved on to another Weasley boy!" she cried with false enthusiasm. She then raised one eyebrow before adding, "Maybe this one will actually like you back!"

Fred and I exchanged glances, both of us unsure of how to respond.

"What's the matter?" Celeste cried out, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "Everyone already knew you liked Ron. You're so obvious about it."

"Celeste," George shot from the other side of the room. "Cool it."

"Cool it?" Celeste snapped, turning to face him. "You're not bothered by the fact that y/n was practically head over heels in love with Ron one day, and the next she's shamelessly throwing herself at Fred?"

"Aren't you the one who told me to stay away from him?" I asked, and Celeste whipped her head around to look back at me.

"Yeah, but I didn't even have to. He's ignoring you all on his own now," she smirked. She turned to Fred, looking him up and down. "Now you're desperately trying to get with his older brother!" She pouted her lips with false sympathy and snapped, "How sad."

"You know what's sad?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Being so insecure that you can't let the guy you like talk to his best friend anymore."

Hermione stifled a laugh behind me.

"You know why Ron's even interested in you?" I asked. "Because the two of us made a bet about which one could get into a relationship first. Hate to tell you, but you're just part of him winning."

Celeste furrowed her eyebrows and glared daggers at me, her face getting more and more red by the second. "He told me all about what you said to him," she hissed, walking toward me slowly. "About how you just 'had a bad feeling' about me," she said in air-quotes. She stepped closer, her face inches away from mine. "Well, I'll give you something to have a bad feeling about, you whor—"

"What's going on?" came Ron's confused voice from the bottom of the stairs. Celeste whipped her head around quickly, giving Ron a phony smile.

"We heard yelling," Harry declared from behind him. "Everything okay?"

"Oh, yes!" Celeste cried, running over to Ron's side. "I was just helping set up for tonight."

The rest of us exchanged glances as Celeste grabbed on to Ron's arm and smiled up at him broadly.

"Why were you so close to y/n?" Ron asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What? Oh, I was just, uh," she stammered, running back over toward me. "Just letting her know she did a good job with the streamers," she lied, nodding her head toward the roll of gold streamers in my hand. "Didn't she do a good job?"

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