13. Ignorance is Bliss

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to maixxweaselbee who was a huge help in coming up with ideas for this chapter :)

The next couple of days seemed to drag on.

Ron barely looked at me, let alone spoke to me. Every time we were in the same room, he made sure to stay as far away from me as possible. The only time I really saw him was at night when we went to bed, and I can assure you, both of us dreaded it.

It was now Saturday, New Year's eve, and everyone was excited for the the new year. Molly and Arthur were leaving that night to go to a party, and they agreed to let us put together a party of our own while they were out.

Bill and Fleur, Charlie, and Percy all had to head home during the last couple of days, eager to get back to work after the holiday. This left the house to the twins, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and I.

And, of course, Celeste.

Fred, George, Hermione and I were in the living room, setting up with decorations for tonight.

"Hey, come help me with this," Hermione called to me over her shoulder as she stood on a chair from the kitchen table, stringing up streamers from the ceiling.

I pulled my own chair over and stood up next to her, grabbing a few rolls of gold streamers.

"What's going on with you and Ron?" she asked. I glanced around the room to be sure he was nowhere in sight before answering.

"He's barely acknowledged me since the quidditch game," I sighed, reaching over my head with a piece of tape. "He was really upset about the whole Fred thing."

Hermione grinned. "That's good, right?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Him ignoring me isn't exactly what I had in mind."

"Hey, y/n!" Fred called, and Hermione and I both turned around. "What color balloons, black or gold?" he asked, holding up a black balloon in one hand and a gold one in the other.

"Hmm," I thought aloud. "Black."

"Okay," Fred grinned, turning around and holding up the package of black balloons to George.

Just then, Ron and Celeste waltzed down the stairs together, the two of them laughing at something Ron had said.

"It looks great in here!" Ron exclaimed, glancing around at the decorations. Once his eyes grazed over me, his cheerful expression faded, and he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Black balloons, though?" Celeste asked, strolling over to the twins who were blowing them up. "Why didn't you choose gold?"

"Y/n picked black," George shrugged in between deep breaths.

Celeste pursed her lips at the mention of my name, but decided against saying anything to me. After all, Ron was here. She couldn't possibly let him think she's anything less than an angel.

Fred noticed the tension and took it upon himself to make things much worse.

"So, y/n," he began, strolling over to me and holding out his hand to help me off the chair. "Now that I've taken Ron's spot as your favorite Weasley—"

Deal-Breaker [Ron Weasley]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora