Chapter 7: Baking

Start from the beginning

I did my nightly routine and crashed on my bed falling deep asleep.
I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing reapetedly as I groaned walikng downstairs.

The ringing stopped as I opened the door to see Cara, Natalia and Millie back turned to me then I remembered something 'Fuck! my contact lenses!'

I put my head down quickly "Hey guys, come in" I mumbled my head still down.

"He- what's wrong Finn?" I heard Millie asked

"Uh- Um... I kinda have a-a, an eye bags" I answered more like a question 'Ugh, seriously I can think better than that'

"since when did you cared for your appearance?" I heard Natalia asked and shuffles as they entered and when I sensed they're all inside I closed the door.

"Uh, since I was a public figure" I stated nonchalantly.

"Now excuse let me wash my face and I'll be down in a minute" At that I quickly sprinted up my room and closed the door and entered the bathroom.

I put on the contact lenses, blinked a few times and looked at the mirror.

A wave of dizziness wash over me as I hold the counter trying to steady myself.

I heard knocking from the door and a voice "Finn are you okay?" I heard Millie said from the other side of the door.

"I-I'm fine" I croaked out still holding the counter breathing heavily feeling so weak and my head pounding painfully.

"That's it, I'm coming in" I heard from Millie before she opened the door.

I slid to the tiled bathroom floor "Oh my gosh! Finn!" Millie exclaimed concern laced in her tone and I saw Natalia and Cara entering with shocked faces.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" Cara asked as she sat beside my right while Millie was holding my left hand.

"Head. Hurts" I whispered barely audible, squeezing my eyes shut to somehow lessen the pain from my head.

"He said his head hurts" I heard Millie spoke.

"Okay sweetie we'll bring you to your bed okay?, but can you stand up so we can help you walk?" Cara informed as I nodded slightly and trying to stand Millie helping me.

Millie and Natalia helped me walk to bed as I laid down still feeling the pounding of my head.

"Okay Finnie we'll be downstairs, Just feel better okay?" Millie spoke concern lacing in every word she spoke.

When they we're about to walk out of the room "Millie can you stay?" I mumbled out of nowhere enough for the three of them to hear.

She walked back beside the bed as Cara and Natalia made their way downstairs.

I watched her with my eyes barely opening as she sat beside my legs as I was under the covers smiling weakly at her.

"Hey Finn, just relax okay? I'll be here when you wake up" She promised as I nodded slightly enough to not worsen my headache.

"Can you cuddle with me?" I asked shyly from out of nowhere again as she chuckled sitting beside me on the bed staying out the covers.

"Don't be shy mills, lay with me so I can cuddle you much better" I spoke quietly as she slowly got under the covers.

I wrapped my arms around her waist my head resting on her chest as she wrapped her arm around my back holding me.

I felt at peace as my headache began to subside as I slowly entered the peacefulness of my sleep from the warmth of Millie.

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