⚠️Kathrine X Elena ⚠️

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Waring: smut and explicit content including Doppler ganger cest or whatever you wanna call it and seggs

The first time it happens, neither of them expect it. They enjoy it, but they don't expect it.

It starts with an empty house, two girls and a stash of liquor.

Elena was impatient. She had gotten the message to meet Damon at the boarding house over an hour ago, and she had arrived to find it empty. She lounged on the sofa, her eyes closed as she listened for the sound of the door clicking open. She was close to falling asleep on the sofa when she finally heard the sound of the door opening. She didn't say anything, she just lay there, expecting Damon's form of apology. It was rare that Damon would outright say that he was sorry, but he conveyed the message some other way.

However, when all she heard was silence following the click of the door, she wondered if she had imagined the noise, or if she was simply dreaming. She stayed still just in case it was an unwanted visitor, like Klaus or Rebekah. Although it was likely that they would be able to hear her heart beat already, she didn't want to give herself away even more by making any noises. She finally began to hear footsteps which were, unfortunately for her, moving towards where she was currently lying. She tried to steady her breathing and her heart rate, fear would only make her an easier prey and she did not want to be a vampire's evening snack.

Little did she know that it wouldn't be her blood that this vampire would be snacking on.

Katherine had entered the Salvatore boarding house in hopes that it would be void of any living creatures so that she could easily make her way in and out with Damon's liquor stash. She was sorely disappointed when she heard the sound of a beating heart and the sound of breathing as she clicked the door shut behind her. She cursed internally, then began to debate her next move. She could leave as quickly as she had arrived, or she could see who was inside the house. Always the curious one, she walked towards the source of the heartbeat. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of Elena laying there. Her hair was splayed out over one of the arm rests, and her top had ridden up just enough to show Katherine a slither of the golden skin lying beneath it.

She took the time while she waited for Elena to open her eyes to admire her doppelganger's body. It wasn't like there were many differences between their bodies, but she noticed the odd freckle where she didn't have one, or the fact that Elena's hip bones were slightly more prominent than her own, and her curves were more prominent than Elena's. It was all little differences, but for some reason they seemed to have a strange effect on Katherine. She quickly masked her expression as Elena's eyes opened, her eyes showing confusion and a slight amount of fear. Katherine raised an eyebrow at Elena, before turning and running to the liquor cabinet, grabbing two glasses on the way. She figured that it would be rude not to offer, and Elena could be a lot of fun while drunk.

Elena was expecting anyone other than Katherine. The last she'd heard Katherine had ran off to save herself like usual, so it was definitely a surprise to see the woman standing above her. She caught the sight of Katherine's raised eyebrow before she became a blur, darting away to wherever. Elena sighed and sat up, curling her legs up to the side of her so that if Katherine came back that she could sit down. Judging on her knowledge of her though, she really didn't expect Katherine to come back. But Katherine was always unpredictable.

Elena's eyes raised from the floor as she heard the sounds of glasses clinking on the metal table. She frowned slightly noticing the two glasses and the bottles of spirits. Was Katherine expecting Stefan or Damon to come back, or did she want Elena to drink with her? Elena looked up at Katherine from where she was pouring the liquid from one of the bottles into the two glasses. Her eyebrows raised up in surprise as Katherine slid it over to her.

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