Meeting the Alpha

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It's been a long time since I had decided to sleep in but I did need it. My wolf had been all depressed because we couldn't find our mate in any pack of the world and it was annoying. The elderly people from my pack had a theory saying that maybe she hadn't been born jet. But I just ignored that I decided to make myself useful and dedicated my time to train and work. I've been looking for her for two years and coming back without her was a nightmare I have a slut always on me but I always say no and last time I used my Alpha voice to make her go away. I was about to open my door so I could go have breakfast when my beta Collins knocked and spoke "Alpha sir you are needed in your office it's a delicate situation but nobody is dying or invading nothing" at his words I opened my door and he looked pale and distressed "what are you talking about Collins?" He's eyes looked fearful so I just nodded a thank you and went to my office. When I got there even without opening the door I could feel a very powerful presence so going inside I was paralyzed the smell of the ocean and lavender hit me so hard it took my breath away the only thing that came out was a whisper "mate..."

"Mate.." I turn around and his whisper was so low that I swear if I didn't have wolf hearing I would've missed it "ahh shit.. Hi?" the smell of rain and forest was all over the room how could've overlooked this? I came here looking for answers and now I have a werewolf mate but this one looks like he's seen a ghost or something but as soon as I took a step towards him he moved closer to me. His hands found my face and hair it was like a shock of electricity going trough me "what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?" I moved from his hold and he whined like a puppy "are you mute?" I was getting annoyed now

Hybridजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें