"we're okay. just trying to get through the day."

i said as i tried to keep the camera away from veronica. i know if michael or bee find out she's here, they will not be happy. and i really don't want anymore drama.

"where can i put her down at?"

veronica asked a little too loud for my liking.

"wait, who's there?"

bee asked me as i let out a breath. so much for that plan.

"um, veronica's here."

i said.

"are you kidding me? what the fuck is she doing there?!"

bee yelled.

"please don't be mad. i just needed someone."

i said as tears brimmed my eyes.

"i'm...i'm not mad. can i talk to her? i promise to be civil."

bee said. i looked at veronica and she just shrugged her shoulders at me. i handed the phone to veronica and she passed luna to me.


veronica said as she pointed the camera towards herself. i know bee well enough to know that they won't be civil. and i just decided to brace myself for the impact.

"how fucking dare you manipulate alex into letting you back into her life. you don't fucking deserve alex in the slightest. you can never let that poor girl be happy ever. she's at the lowest point in her life and what do you do?? manipulate her like you always fucking do. you're lucky i'm not there or i would lay your ass out so fast. you don't deserve to be in alex or luna's life."

bee yelled at veronica.

"what is going on in here?"

i heard michael's voice say in the background.

"that's enough from you guys."

veronica said before she hung up the phone. i sighed as she placed the phone down on the couch next to us. can't wait to clean up her mess later.

michael's pov

"what the hell was that about?"

calum asked bee as we sat down across from them on the bunks. we were in the front of the tour bus when we heard bee screaming about something. and that's when calum and i rushed in here to see them on the phone.

"fucking veronica is with alex. she fucking manipulated her again."

bee said as they ran their hands through their hair, frustration written all over their face.

"wait, what?"

i asked. i thought alex was done with veronica. would this have happened if i was still home?

"that's who i was yelling at."

"i thought we fucking got rid of her. i thought she was finally out of our lives for good. alex had to have been desperate if she called veronica."

i said. hearing the pain in alex's voice yesterday broke me. i wanted to quit the tour so badly and just fly out home. but i would've ruined everything for the guys if i did that. it wasn't just about me.

"well it doesn't matter what alex says. veronica manipulates her anyways."

bee said. i wish i could go home and just be there for alex. she needs someone who actually cares about her, not someone who just wants her to suffer. cause that's all veronica is going to do to her.


alex's pov 

"goodnight luna. i love you."

i said as i carefully put luna down in her crib. today was the first time in a long time that i didn't feel horrible the whole day. i actually felt like a good mum for once. i grabbed the baby monitor and walked out to the kitchen to start making myself dinner. i heard my phone ring and saw bee's name across the screen again.


i said as i propped my phone up on the counter.

"hey. is she-devil still around?"

bee asked.

"no. she went home an hour ago so i gave luna a bath, a bottle, and put her to sleep. now i'm just making myself dinner."

i said.

"you feeling a little better?"

"yeah. oh, i forgot to tell you, i've been talking to samantha again."

"like...your sister samantha?"

"that's the one. i was just talking to her about i feel. she's coming down here tomorrow just to give me a little bit of company and i'm excited."

"you aren't worried she doesn't have alliterative motives?"

bee asked.

"why would she have alliterative motives?"

"why wouldn't she? maybe your parents told her to respond so they can get you and luna to move home."

"well would that be the worst thing in the world?"

"you can't be serious."

bee said.

"why not? why is it so crazy for me to go back home?"

"because you're with michael. and you two are raising a child together. there's no way he'd ever move back to australia."

"so why should i have to stay here for him? god, i finally have a chance of getting my family back and i thought you'd be happy for me. you're being a lousy friend."

"oh, and veronica is such a good friend?"

"she's being a better friend than you."

i huffed in anger. i can't believe bee is being like this. i have a chance at having my family again, something i've wanted for months, and bee can't even be happy for me.

"whatever alex. don't come running back to me when this blows up in your face."

bee said before hanging up. i sighed as i put my phone in my back pocket. i really can't believe bee is acting like this. they're suppose to be my best friend. they're suppose to be the person i can come to with anything. and yet, they can't even be happy about this for me. what kind of friend is that?

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