They dropped me at emergency, where I ran inside, finding the Cameron's and Ali, Ryan and Ethan already there. Looks of relief were evident on everyone's faces.

"Any news?" I asked as I ran up to the group.

"Oh Morgan! You did it, you found my boy!" Sophia wrapped me up in her arms, her face wet with fresh tears.

"We did. Any news? Is he awake?" I asked again.

"He woke up in the ambulance after they got a drip in him with some fluids. All we know right now is they were both severely dehydrated, they are doing more tests. David said he asked for you in the ambulance," Gabby answered my questions.

"Oh thank god," I breathed a sigh of relief before collapsing onto a chair beside Harper.

"Thank you Morgan, thanks for finding him," Harper said as she hugged me too.

"It was thanks to Joey that we found him,"
I explained, everyone looking at me puzzled. "He tore bits of his shirt up and tied them on branches, it led us to where they were. I don't know anything more yet, but that's how we found them."

"Good job roomie," Ryan smiled gratefully, finally looking like a weight was lifted from him.

"Cameron family?" A voice called from behind us and Sophia stepped forward.

I looked up, seeing an older male doctor standing with a clipboard.

"I'm Sophia Cameron, Jonathon's mom."

"Your son is awake, we have completed tests and there seems to be no injuries. He is still dehydrated and needs to remain overnight on a drip and for observation. We are moving him up to a ward now, you will be able to see him there. Head to the elevators and go to level 3. The nurses will be able to help you from there."

"Thank you so much doctor," Sophia said as we all gathered our belongings and followed his directions.

As we head towards the lift, Jayda and Jessica gravitated towards me, each taking one of my hands. Squeezing their hands, I asked, "Are you girls ok?"

"We are now. We were so scared," Jessica replied.

"Your brother is a fighter. He wouldn't want to leave you two ever," I insisted.

We walked together just behind Sophia to the nurses station on level 3. They must have been warned that there was a big group coming because when they saw us they directed us straight down the ward to the room Joey had just been admitted to.

I let Sophia and the girls go to him first, standing back with Ryan and Ethan. As much as I wanted to run to him and wrap him up in my arms never to let go, I know that family is super important to him.

Sophia ran over to him, still blubbering as she checked him over, making sure the doctors didn't miss any injuries.

"Mom, I'm ok. Just exhausted and dehydrated," he told her.

"You scared me Joey! Don't do that again!" She scolded.

The girls took turns hugging him, then Aunt Gabby and Harper joined in on the hugging too.

"Alight, enough! Where's Morgan?" Joey asked, pushing everyone off him.

I didn't even realise until the drops fell onto my hands that I was crying as I stood there. Everyone in the room parted till he could see me, he looked tired and sunburnt, but most of all his eyes were apologetic.

"Come here," he beckoned.

I started sobbing as I walked towards his outstretched arms and sat on the side of the bed. He sat forward and pulled me towards him, kissing me on the head as I lay on his bare chest.

"Hey, I'm ok. I'm ok because of you, you found me," he whispered as I nodded.

"I was so scared," I admitted.

"I was too. But I knew I had to be strong so I could come back to you. I told you I would never leave you."

I sat up so I could look at him, his eyes still bright blue even if the rest of him looked worn. He brought his hand up to my face, wiping away my tears, then neither of us caring that his whole family was in the room he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

He kissed me like it was our first kiss all over again, only with more urgency, making sure that I knew he was ok. It was short, but powerful. Our lips parted, but we sat with our foreheads still touching, his left hand still on my face, my hands gripping his right.

"I told you that you should have pretended to be sick!"

"I'll make sure I listen to you more often," he laughed. "I love you Morgan."

"I love you too."


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