My insides were a mess, I was excited to finally have some sort of a sign. I felt hopeful, positive, but I was also still anxious. I didn't know what state he would be in when we found him.

I put my water away and stood back up to continue on our search when David approached me. Aside from looks of appreciation and a few words here and there, he hadn't said much to me at all. I could tell how worried he had been the whole time.

"Good job Morgan," he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders and squeezing. "Let's go find our boy."

It didn't take long for us to know we were on the right track. Less than a mile after the first torn piece of t-shirt, we found another. Happy that we were going in the right direction we hurried along, all of us moving faster now with renewed energy. I could feel it within me that we were close.

Again, less than a mile and another one. I couldn't help but wonder how many more there would be before they had surely stopped in a safe place to just wait for help. It felt like we were following a trail of breadcrumbs.

There weren't any more markers. Instead, ahead of us there was a rock face with a small clearing and what looked like a shallow cave area. Laying in that cave were two bodies, one older man and the other was Joey.

The instant I saw them, I broke out into a sob. Neither of them moved at the sound of us. David and I both broke out into a run, crouching on either side of Joey. Luke hurriedly pulled water bottles and blankets from his backpack while Pat got on the radio.

"This is Team Indigo, over."

"Go ahead, Indigo."

"We have found them. Over."

I didn't listen to more of the radio conversation after that, Pat gave directions to our location and requested that stretchers be brought, neither man would be fit to walk out. Many more messages of relief flooded over the radio as the search was called off, but all I could care about was Joey lying in front of me.

"Joey, hey, it's us. Your dad and me. We found you," I cried as I sat at his side trying to wake him.

He stirred slightly, but was clearly dehydrated. Luke handed me a bottle of water and explained to just wet his lips at first because we don't want him to choke. Luke and Pat went to Martin to help him too. When I glanced over I noticed his ankle was swollen and bruised.

I poured water over Joey's lips, trying to coerce him awake. Slowly he stirred.

"Hey there. We're here," I said stroking his head as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Morgan?" He muttered.

"Yes, it's me. We got you. We're going to get you out of here."

"Drink some water son, slowly," David took the bottle from me to help him take a small mouthful.

"Dad? You're both here..." he trailed off before closing his eyes again.

"Babe, we're here. Wake up for us," I pleaded, but he didn't wake up again. Instead we watched as he took deep, laboured breaths. I looked to Martin, who also was lying unconscious.

We had no choice but to wait for the stretchers to arrive so we could carry them out.

From the moment more help arrived, everything felt like a blur. There were search and rescue guys all around us, they loaded both men onto stretchers and hurried them out of the forest with us close behind.

I remember meeting the ambulance by the cars, they said only David or I could ride with them. I told David to go, he would be able to fill out the papers and give a medical history once at the hospital. Pat and Luke quickly loaded everything into our car and took off behind the ambulance. I was grateful to them for knowing how important it was for me to get to the hospital too.

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