2: Why The Hell Do I Need to Prove Myself? I'm Too Cute For You

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Apollo's POV

The heck is this? A diary?

What kind of a synopsis even is that? You can't have a synopsis of a book about me, without even mentioning my incredibly good looks and irresistible hot self-

Right, okay. Ari's telling me to get on with it.

So, I have the most luscious blonde hair that's incredibly soft and dazzling blue eyes that makes every girl faint. Oh! Let's not forget my extremely hot body-

WHAT?! Oh! Get on with the story! Right. Well, I'm sure you wouldn't have minded if I had carried on 😉.

Now I should really start this diary entry before Ari whops my ass with a wooden spoo-

Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that Ari. It's definitely a diary.

Apollo's POV

I sauntered into the golden main hall with my prize lyre in hand and elegantly sat down on my golden throne among the other nine Olympians that were already present. Nine, because I'm not counting myself, my father Zeus wasn't here yet, and Hades is never welcome to any godly meeting.

Artemis, my twin sister, noticed my arrival and nodded at me. She was in her godly form and her robes were a shiny silver coloured linen that made her glisten with tiny sparkles.
Or she could've just dipped herself into silver glitter. Either or.

Hermes was next to acknowledge my presence and he eyed me as I moved the lyre in my grasp so I could play it. His eyes widened and he threw his hands up to block his ears.


I rolled my eyes as every god blocked their ears and started yapping to themselves. Even Artemis and Hestia - the ones I considered no fun - took part with small smiles on their faces.

They're over reacting. They all know that I play the most beautiful music ever known to mortal or immortal. I'm the god of music for a reason.

"I do hope that you haven't begun the meeting without me judging by the noise you're all maki-"

My father thundered in (get it?) to the throne room to find almost every Olympian talking as loud as they can (and Ares can get pretty boisterous when he wants) with their ears closed.

Crease lines overtook Zeus' entire forehead as he reached up to massage his temples. He closed his eyes for five seconds and took a deep breath and breathed out a soft, "aum". Let's hope the spiritual Hindu method of meditation does this old man good.

It was then that I spotted a bright neon pink tiny child next to Zeus' feet. I'm guessing it's a demigod judging by it's size and also the fact that no mortal can enter Olympus because, well, they're punny mortals.

All the gods had shut up by this point (except for Hermes, who was screeching like a siren (and I don't mean my singing sirens) with his eyes closed as well as his ears. Athena had to smack him to get him to shut up.)

Zeus took his seat on his throne, leaving the child in the middle of us gods, looking like a lost puppy. She looked about six and had her skinny arms wrapped around herself as she gave every god a once over.

Her eyes met mine, and I flashed her a grin. Her scared expression melted as a huge smile took over her entire face. Good god, this kid can smile.
She'll be winning over the ladies before I get to charm them-

"Gods of Olympus," Zeus began. All eyes turned to him, even the girl, who had decided that it would be a great idea to sit down on the ground.

"This is Aria Waters, a wizard, well, the only wizard left. As you can see, she is tiny. We will have to protect her unless we want the species to run out."

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