I got in the bath and the handmaid began washing my hair, while I washed my body.

She left the room to fetch me a towel and for the brief moment she was gone I took a second to think.

Did I need a date for this? I don't want to show up without an escort and stand around the entire night wishing I was dancing with someone. Why am I going to this?

She came back into the room and handed me my towel to let me dry off.

I got into a robe and sat down at the vanity bedside the closet.

She began brushing out my hair and drying it with another towel she had brought with her. I decided to have my hair curled with the front pieces of my hair twisted back and held together with a silver clip.

When my hair and makeup were finished I got out of my robe and slipped into the dress.

I paired it with some lightly tanned heels.

I put on some matching silver jewelry before heading over to the mirror to see the final look.

"Oh my god. This is beautiful, thank you so much for your help I couldn't have done it without you."

"The pleasure was all mine lady Y/N."

I smiled and turned to leave my room.

I gave my key to the maid for when she left and made my way to the ballroom. Walking slowly through the halls taking in every detail of the walls and paintings around me.

The palace was breathtaking at night. It was awfully quiet as well, but peaceful.

Down every hall were large windows that lined the walls. The moon shone brightly through them.

After a few minutes of walking, I made it to the large wooden doors of the ballroom.

I stopped to take a breather before entering. The excitement and adrenaline while getting ready had slowly worn off and now I was just nervous.

I got butterflies in my stomach and my legs started to shake slightly.

I took one last deep breath before opening the doors.

The room was filled with people. Hundreds of men and women danced gracefully up and down the room.

On the edges of the room lay tables filled with drinks and appetizers for the guests.

As I scanned the room I noticed that Thor and Lady Sif were dancing in the middle while Hogun and a lady I didn't know danced beside them.

I went over to one of the tables to take a shot before the song ended.

I lifted the small glass and tilted it into my mouth as the liquid slid down my throat. The burning sensation distracted me from the butterflies in my stomach, just as the dance ended.

Lady Sif made her way over to me as Thor and Volstagg followed closely behind.

"Wow Y/N you look amazing!" she said

"Thank you, but really look at you, you're absolutely stunning!"

"Thank you,"

A new song started to play and couples gathered in the center of the ballroom. Ladies on the right in a line and gentlemen on the left side in a line all facing towards each other.

Thor and Lady Sif headed to the center as Hogun and his mystery lady followed behind.

"Lady Y/N would like to dance?" Vostagg asked me while bowing.

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now