Meeting greed pair and an old friend

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currently they were all at tetsu's family hot springs, to discuss their next move with the tsubaki problem

" alright, I admit it, this is a pretty nice place to get away from it all and unwind" Kuro muttered to himself while relazing in the hot springs " to take some time to relax my body and mind"

" Kuro! Where'd you go?" He could hear mahrui yelling from inside, with Hugh in bat form following him " I know your here somewhere! Hey!"

" he's totally wrecking the vibe..." Kuro sank more into the water, lily chuckled as he walked out with a towel on, then opens it " I hope I'm not intruding!"

Time skip

" misono! Where did that bed come from?!" Mahrui asked while the boy sat on the bed with the signs that said ' congrats on your hospital discharge'

" you didn't expect me to sleep on some cheap futon mattress did you?" He scowled " yeah sure, will you remind me who you are again kid?" Tetsu said as he was in the doorway with futon mattresses " who are you calling a kid?! I'm misono alicen! Eve of the SerVamp of lust!" He exclaimed while tetsu walked away

Just then lily and Kuro appeared in their robes " sorry but we enjoyed a bath without you!" He chimed " I couldn't be fore relaxed.." Kuro said " we're not here on some kind of vacation!" The two were actually sitting  drinking a milk bottle

"I'm i the only one taking this seriously?!" Mahrui exclaimed

While some of the others laughed in the background


Yuno was in her room, drying herself of from the bath, she looked at her phone when she heard it bleep and noticed a text from her mom

' hi sweetheart!Just checking in, we should be returning home soon from our business trip over seas, so when you get the chance, stop by the old place so I can greet you with the biggest hug, love you!❤️❤️❤️'

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' hi sweetheart!
Just checking in, we should be returning home soon from our business trip over seas, so when you get the chance, stop by the old place so I can greet you with the biggest hug, love you!

She giggled, shaking her head, then picked up her hair brush

"Yuno?" She heard Mahiru call out from the other side of the door leading into the empty changing room

"Come in" 

"A-Are you sure that's okay?" 

"I'm the only one here. And I don't think anyone else will show up since the hotel is empty"  He walked in and saw her sitting by a mirror

he blushed when he saw she was sitting there in a towel, brushing out her hair. 

"Come sit"  He sat beside her, his eyes avoiding her body and trying not to look like a perv

"The one who kidnapped me, he told me about Tsubaki"

  "He knows about Tsubaki?" 

"He also seemed to know about you" 

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