Airport Security [OT8 x reader]

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You struggled to keep the giddy leap out of your step as you rolled out your suitcase to meet the rest of the band and the managers. Everyone was dressed in comfortable, yet fashionable (okay Jisung was pushing it) clothes for the airport, and you were waiting for just a couple more people to come down and meet you. Seungmin was quick to notice you nearly vibrating with excitement, and gave you a cheeky shove on the shoulder, "excited?" You nodded with a big grin on your face. You had never been to an airport before, and you were ecstatic for the new experience and adventure.

You had made friends with Chris when you were still trainees, but when your contract was up, you decided that idol life in the spotlight wasn't right for you. All of the flashing lights, the screaming fans, the constant life in the public overwhelmed you. That didn't mean you completely left JYP Entertainment behind though, as you stuck around and helped 3Racha produce songs, and gave general moral support for the team of Stray Kids. You were always quick to help Han whenever he got overwhelmed, and the managers loved you as you had some uncanny ability to calm and control the members. But even though you were always around Stray Kids, you were never allowed to go with them on tour, since you technically weren't a manager, until today.

"Okay, let's head out!" you heard the manager's voice and you quickly did a head count, as a small reassurance to you that everyone who was supposed to be there, was there, and followed Seungmin into one of the vans that was taking you to the airport. You and Felix climbed into the back seat, followed by Seungmin and Hyunjin, while Chris sat in the front seat next to the driver.

The drive was filled with banter and laughter, along with you, Felix, and Hyunjin screeching out lyrics to Disney movies. "Into the unknooooooown!" Hyunjin was the first one, quickly followed by you and Felix while Seungmin was facepalming and Chris was visibly cringing in the front seat.

"We've done this before," Seungmin couldn't help but groan at your antics, "are we done with it yet?"

The three of you froze what you were doing and stared at him. He gave you a quirked look at your sudden silence, before in true 'single brain cell shared amongst the three of you' fashion, synchronously began screech-singing again.


"Okay, laptop out of my backpack. Phone, wallet, passport, boarding pass, and keys in the bucket. Shoes off. Jacket off." You nodded determinedly as you tried to remember everything you'd need to do through security.

"Don't worry, it's not that scary," you could see Jeongin's eyes smiling behind the mask. The group was huddled together, waiting for the managers to find which security checkpoint would be the easiest to go through to get to your gate, while hoping no one would notice you. The commotion outside definitely knew that Stray Kids was in the airport, and the screams and camera flashes that bombarded you when you exited the van made you glad that you weren't an idol. You forced yourself to walk with the other managers so you wouldn't accidentally latch onto one of the members for support, with the amount of people around, the motion wouldn't go unnoticed and you definitely didn't want gossip around the group right before the tour.

"We're heading that way," the nine of you looked up at the manager and saw him pointing in the direction of one of the halls, and your group quickly followed him like little ducklings. Your eyes were wide open as you took in the airport. The high ceiling was adorned with minimalistic decorations that seemed to resemble waves and clouds. It was brightly lit with lights that matched the decorations perfectly and wide open windows and skylights let even more light in. There was a constant drone of people talking and wheels rolling on the smooth floor, and the walls had large advertisements placed far enough that it wouldn't seem cluttered, but close enough that there was hardly a blank space in the wall.

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