"We're here to help you.  Those of you who can walk, help the others.  Take the clothing and shoes off the guards and put it on," Hawkeye instructed the children.

One of the little girls cried, "we're all going to die!"

Clint crouched down and put a shirt on her, "not on my watch.  Now that all of you have some clothing on, listen close.  My partner and I will go first.  Then we will call you to follow.  If I tell you to run, you run and don't stop. Don't look back either, just go. Understand?"

They all nodded, terror still fresh in their eyes, but a hint of hope began to seep in.  That's all Hawkeye needed to see.  He looked around and agent Romanoff was already heading towards a door.

"Follow me in single file," he said and the children obeyed.

As they came to the door, he saw that Romanoff was killing the HYDRA men.  That told him that she wasn't in as much control as he had hoped. The Black Widow was on a blood rampage.

"Don't look at the bodies, keep your eyes on my back."

Two of the older boys didn't obey and wished they had, after they saw a man's jugular ripped out of his throat.  As much as they had wanted that very thing to happen, seeing it for real, was a different story. One boy vomited after passing the body.

The more bodies they passed, the more worried Hawkeye became, that Black Widow had lost her mind.  When they finally got to the outside of the building, he contacted Director Fury.  Their agents  would arrive in twenty minutes to help the children.  He told them to go across the street and hide in the alley.  When people showed up with jackets that said S.H.E.I.L.D. on them, these were people that worked with him and would help them.

"Please don't go", one of the teenagers said.

"I have to help my partner. You'll be safe here, I promise."

Another boy asked, "who are you?"

"I'm Hawkeye.  Be safe children."  He waited to make sure they slipped into the darkness and were well hidden.  Then he ran back to the building they had just left.

Black Widow couldn't stop killing.  Anyone who tried to run away, only made it a few steps.  Necks were broken until she picked up their knives and guns.  Some were shot dead, others died with a knife in their eye socket. More died slowly, bleeding out from wounds that looked like an animal attack.  Once no more HYDRA agents were left, she went back to the lab for the scientist.  

Hawkeye knew she would do so. He'd already restrained the scientist, who was still unconscious.  "Natasha you cannot kill him.  Director Fury wants him alive."


Barton looked her over, she was covered in blood and guts, from head to toe. Her eyes were wild.  He'd seen her like this only once before.  He needed to get her out of there, before the S.H.E.I.L.D. agents arrived.  If they saw agent Romanoff like this, they would lock her up and that would make her worse.  He could loose her then and that he wasn't willing to do.

"Agents are on their way for the scientist.  I have orders to take him outside."  He stood between her and what she wanted.  Lucky for him, she wasn't in her usual gear.  She'd hate him for it tonight, but Barton used a taser head arrow on her.  Next he called the S.H.E.I.L.D. agents that had come for the children, to get the scientist.

"Fury wants his research too," agent Matts said.  "Where's agent Romanoff?"

"She's trying to get the research," Clint lied.  

"Get her out of there and report back when you're clear."  Agent Matts left.

Hawkeye ran back into the building. Part of it was on fire and he was there to make sure it spread.  Next he stripped a body and put the clothing on agent Romanoff.  He carried her to a HYDRA vehicle, hot-wired it and took her to their hotel. Once they were inside, Barton had to get her conscious, so they could leave before S.H.E.I.L.D. came looking for them.  When he put her in the shower, he turned on the cold water, stepping back.

Natasha swore, "what the .....," she unleashed profanity in various languages.

"We need to leave right now.  Clean up, change and let's go," Clint said.

She gasped for breath, wild eyes looking around until they landed on him.  Romanoff said nothing, she couldn't. Part of her mind was still reliving her past.  She nodded, showing understanding, then did as he requested.

While she was in the shower, Barton packed their things. He left behind all the electronic devices; tracker arrows, communication ear pieces, cell phones and computer.  He called down to the desk and told them to hold it for Maria Hill, knowing Fury would send his second in command. He put through an order of food and told them to make it to go. Then got airplane tickets for a flight out.  When Romanoff was ready, they left. She did everything he asked without complaint, as she wasn't really there.  

"Thanks for taking care of this," Clint said to the clerk and then gave him a huge tip.

A cab ride, two plane rides and a drive in a jeep, finally brought them to where Clint wanted.  "We're here."  He used a phone that Tony Stark had given him after they had defeated the Chitari.  "It's me and Natasha needs a little help."

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