There was only a short wait in line at the coffee cart to get a dark-roast coffee. Cup in hand, he returned to the bench he'd sat on the previous morning and waited. He still held to the idea that the bitter drink was a physical representation of a metaphor. It was a philosophy he needed to keep on top of his attraction to the delicate beauty. Meyer intended to drink the scalding hot liquid as his penitence after he'd seen the young accountant Ari Nichols, but she did not pass into view. When he finally drank the coffee, it was lukewarm.

He repeated the same routine for the rest of the week before he'd enter his office, though he didn't catch sight of her. Trevor hadn't been able to figure out what was going on with his boss, but he saw the aura of bad mood each morning so he continued to reserve an elevator every day.

Just before lunch on Friday, Trevor entered Meyer's office. "The car service just alerted me. It seems the car that was on its way to you was rear-ended uptown. They don't have anyone else free until well after lunch."

"That's fine." Meyer said without looking up.

"I'll take a taxi."

"No, we need to keep up appearances. Besides, you hate taking taxis and I don't have to go out. Binita can get something for me." A short while later Meyer emerged from his office to stretch and give his order for lunch to Trevor's assistant. Finding her seat empty, he decided to walk to a nearby cafe instead.

Hundreds of office workers were passing through the massive lobby during the lunch hours, yet one person stood out from the rest. Even if she wasn't so much taller than average, Ari's clothes made her easy to spot. Like the first time he saw her, she was wearing pastel colored clothes that seemed to float around her rather than cling to her curves like the dark colored dresses and blouses worn by her contemporaries.

Meyer quickened his pace until he was a few meters behind Ari and a small group of women who were chatting as they walked. He was too far to hear them, but close enough to see that Ari moved her arms and hands animatedly when she spoke. They walked west for several blocks, passing by Meyer's intended destination. He continued following them until they entered a Chinese restaurant. Meyer paused for nearly a minute before he went in, too.

The group of six women were standing in the entrance waiting on a table when Meyer opened the door. Five sets of eyes turned his direction, fans happy for a chance to admire him from a relatively short distance. Ari ducked her head as she had before, not looking at him. One of Ari's lunch companions was a woman with a pretty face and hair dyed a striking red color. Meyer was familiar with the kind of expression she displayed, one clearly conveying her desire to seduce him.

A hostess, wearing a Manchu style tangzhuang jacket, signaled Meyer to move ahead of the group. He was immediately led to a small table where he sat against the wall, facing towards the dining area. Practically every patron in the place tried to nonchalantly look in his direction. He'd already ordered by the time Ari's group was being seated at a table across from him.

"Jesus Viv. Ever since Sebastian Meyer walked in the door, you've been eye-fucking him. Can you cut it out long enough to look at the menu? I want to order," Ari's friend Kee griped.

"You know there's only one thing I eat at this place, besides, this is my first opportunity to let that gorgeous man know I'm on his menu."

"Fine, but you're wasting your time. Everyone knows he doesn't date Fairfielders."

"I don't need him to take me on dates. He could have his way with me right now if he wanted. A standard size wheelchair stall in restrooms is plenty big enough for two. I know from experience."

"Eww." A woman named Tabby wrinkled her nose. "I love ya girl, but you're an over-sharer. Although, I wouldn't mind hearing the details if you do score with him." She laughed and everyone but Ari did too.

The Power of WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now