"Kim Potential..." Part C...

Comenzar desde el principio

"Sir?" one eyed the com link in Kim's hand which the Divine Leader now smashed to floor and stepped on.

"Shego destroyed my link in escaping, you fool! Get me another, at once!" he raged. The guard rushing back out, bowing to the Leader as he did, striking his back on the exit door frame...

Idiot... "Note that one for transfer to the mines, if Shego doesn't kill him today and we survive." He told another guard, rising and moving to where his unfortunate ex- lay on ground, groaning, under the watchful eyes of four guards.

Hmmn...Well, she did have more spirit than most...And there is that attitudinator...My science boys got it and if we manage to dodge the mad Colonel...?

No need to waste a hot test subject...

"Take her to a holding cell and tell the boys in Behavioral Conditioning they have a guinea pig for the new device we just brought in with me." He told two other guards one of whom bowed and headed off, the other lifting the woman and carrying her off.

"I guess I'm just an old softy when it comes to Ivanka..." he sighed to a guard beside him.


Aboard the Drakken craft, now bound for North Korea, one of Bortel's craft, with Lindendon's permission, in shielded pursuit...

"You're sure he's ok?" Hego eyed the unconscious "Ron".

"He's fine. It was a good idea to leave it to me." Sally noted. "He might have expected something with you here."

"I just hope he doesn't blame me too much on this. But are you sure the girls have headed for North Korea and aren't returning for Drakken?"

"Last position from the boss puts them still enroute there. But if they turn back we can intercept them." Sally noted.

"Ok. And we do have something they want." Hego eyed the unconscious form.

"Get him to sick bay, please fellas..." Sally informed two droids.

"What about your droid? Can we monitor him?" Hego asked as the two droids placed 337 on a gurney and headed off.

"Not by droid internal link, they'd detect it and destroy him at once. But he has Ron's communicator, they'll expect him to stay in touch." Sally noted.

"Ok...But it seems to me we should be confronting Lindendon, here and now..."

"Mr. Hego, alone? Not meaning any disrespect, sir..."

"I suppose not..." Hego, sheepishly. "Maybe I get too enthused sometimes. All right. we hook up with the Kims, stop Lindendon's missile launch, and find my sis...And if we can, with hero and UN backup, return for a united strike, the finale."

"Sounds good, sir. " Sally nodded.

"I just hope Shego has gotten the supervillainness out of her system at last..." Hego sighed.

"I'd say super-stepmoming's done that for her, sir." Sally, wan smile.


The Lost Island platform...

"Stoppable's just hit water, sir." A droid tech at his console informed Bortel. "He should be down to us in about ten minutes."

"Are you sure he can manage this depth?" Lindendon, back in normal form, asked, politely, stepping near. "Two thousand feet is still rather deep and I'd hate for him to meet with harm."

"The suit's able to withstand a four mile depth." Drakken noted quietly.

"Ah, good then...As always you are a remarkable fellow, Father."

"She'll never believe you're Stoppable, Lindendon." Drew eyed him.

"Give me a chance, Father...I am a rather good actor...When I've had a chance to rehearse. Besides, in time, when she's become accustomed to me...You have made her more of my ideal type in soul, after all, Father."

"God forgive me...But Kim retains her own sense of self, even in Potential..."

"Yes...And that is what made me so willing to save her. She is Kimberly, just free of cant and nonsense. A tribute to you and your vision, Father." Calm smile. "Proof that Humanity can reach the pedestal I have set for it."

"You're a fool, Colonel...She...And any clones of yourself and hybrids of me, Bortel, and others with you you create, will turn on you. They'll hate you as the world hates you. Perhaps only more viciously..."

"Perhaps. But they will be a part of me, all my children...And the Attitudinator will hold them back, for a time. After all, I seek to be the Father of a new Humanity. And, in time, children do outgrow their fathers, Drew." Smile. "As yours has..." A slightest flickering that Drakken caught.

"Excuse me once again, I need to consult with...Myself... Please entertain our guest till my return." Lindendon vanished.

"Cyrus? Did you catch that? He was weakened." Drakken noted, hurriedly.

"Ja...We are on the right track, Drew. Though his abilities continue to surprise."

"We've got to get him to rejoin his counterpart for enough time so I can slip out and get to your vehicle if I'm to intercept..."

"That may already be in der hand, thanks to our girls..." Bortel suggested.

"Shego's there as well...Cyrus, do you think together? In the other LIndendon's weakened state? If we were to get him to separate again for a longer time...? When Ron's here?"

"He vould reunite at once under such attack...Der distance is infinitesimal for him given his quantum abilities."

"And that could be my chance...He'd be rattled having to reunite so suddenly and stay to ensure his defense and the launch...If they don't infuriate him and he comes back to kill me or you or both of us to punish them."

"Then we must get you off this vessel and on your way to my launch site as mit der ap...After we have him separated und under attack..."

"The only thing is...They're in weakened conditioned as well..." Drew, shaking head. "I don't think even with Shego they'll be a match for half-Lindendon..."

"They shouldn't haft to be. Just get him focused away from us...You are right, Drew. It vould only be natural for him to consolidate. He does in fact respect the ladies' abilities. And add a UN attack..."


North Korean launch facility...

The image of Lindendon in space suit in his capsule smiling at the Great Leader...Who was struggling to maintain a calm he did not feel.

"So mother-in-law escaped you?" chuckle. "Very amusing...Oh, I mean that..." hand wave. "And I expected it...She is a superwoman, after all. And you and your people are, after all, merely human..." he sighed.

"Sadly she faces more than she expected. I have reunited for the moment and will maintain this state for a bit longer whilst I regain my full strength. Let us hope I shan't have to use my full force to stop poor mother-in-law, I should so hate to hurt Kimberly. Oh, and Leader? Please don't let your guards kill my mother-in-law. I should have to take it as a personal insult...."

"Call down the guards pursuing the escaped woman...!" Kim spoke hastily in Korean.

"Yes, please try to take her alive. Thank you so much, Great One. You know..." Lindendon eyed Kim from screen. "I'd been meaning to ask...Just have not had the time...Could you possibly consider doing Kimberly and me the honor of being my best man?"

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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